
Brooklyn landlord vows to destroy Notorious B.I.G. mural to make room for a few windows

A huge Brooklyn mural depicting Notorious B.I.G. as the King of NY is set to be destroyed to make room for renovations.

After a lengthy conversation between local fan activists and the landlord in question, permission has been gained from the Department of Buildings to include two windows in the wall, effectively destroying the longstanding mural.

notorious b.i.g. mural brooklyn

King of NY, a Brooklyn landmark and mural to late rapper Notorious B.I.G., is set to be destroyed following a lengthy argument with the wall’s landlord.

An Instagram post from Spread Art NYC details the story:

A few updates on “king Of NY” Mural: we just want everyone to know that Spread Art NYC, your humble community Art organization has been working real hard to keep this mural up for the past year! Landlord always calls us and Claims that the neighbors are complaining about the mural and the crowds it attracts. About 4 months ago, he told us about the construction he will be doing which will damage the mural in the process. He will be opening Windows on the wall to increase rent profit by $500 according to them. Today Spread Art NYC offered $5000 (which we planned to gather from the community and the fans) not to open the windows. Unfortunately, that offer was declined and it was answered by a counteroffer of $1250 a month. At this point, there is nothing Spread Art NYC can do to save this mural. We will continue to serve our neighborhoods regardless!! Community is our goal, we like to give back and we thought A biggie mural at the corner of #bedfordandquincy was needed to keep the culture alive, to keep Brooklyn Alive. We always say, Brooklyn is Biggie and Biggie is Brooklyn. A landlord can NEVER change that! We want to thank everyone for the love! We promise, we GOT YOU!!!💪💯#spreadartnyc #20bigyears #bedstuy #bedfordstuyvesant #biggie #kingofny #livefrombedfordstuyvesant #spreadloveitsthebrooklynway

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If you’re into Biggie murals, there’s an epic one you can visit in Sydney at the Lady Hampshire Hotel by the talented Scott Marsh.

Via FACT Mag.