It was last week that we came across Question Everything, the vibrant new album from Sydney outfit The Night – not to mention their first release in five years.
To find out a little more about the new record, where it came from, and exactly what they’ve been up to for so long, we caught up with Neal from the band.
Before they kick off their huge album launch in Long Jetty, The Night talk us through Question Everything, and all it stands for.
HAPPY: Hey, how are things? What are you up to at the moment?
NEAL: Hey! Things are busy. We’re working hard on getting the album into people’s headphones and preparing our launch party. All of us have to find the time to fit this in between our day jobs and personal lives. But we believe in the album so we make it work.
HAPPY: Your new record Question Everything has been out for just under a month, how are you finding the reaction to it?
NEAL: To be honest it’s been mixed. But I think that comes with the territory. Creative products are subjective. As an independent band we have to send our music out to reviewers and music publications. It’s almost like cold calling. Obviously we don’t send a rock album to websites that cover EDM or metal or anything like that – but we have to send it out to all the blogs and reviewers that could potentially like it. There’s no guarantee they will resonate with our music after 30 seconds of listening, or if they’ll open that email at all. I guess you gotta focus on the positives or you’ll get defeated. One reviewer said that we were “a breath of fresh air in the indie rock scene” and those kind of responses are what we like to focus on. It proves that there ARE people out there who get it the same way we do, you know?
HAPPY: It’s the first record since I Am and Say in 2013, why so long between drinks?
NEAL: The Night has a different line up. Same songwriting, same voice, but the members have changed. Life got in the way I think. When the new members were found and writing and recording began it was already two years later. University, travel, work. It slows your creativity down. And we got a ton of positive reviews and features for the I Am And Say EP, however it didn’t take off and the band broke up. But that doesn’t necessarily stop someone from writing music, and gradually new members were found and a new record was made. Here we are years later, doing what we love!
HAPPY: I really dig the title track, it sounds nice and frantic. What’s the song about, and why did you choose it to title your album?
NEAL: Question Everything is literally about just that. “I met a man in Santiago”. It’s true, I did, and we got talking over Chilean red wine. I talked about my music and he told me “you just gotta go for it”. At least that was the main sentiment. “If you want the prize you gotta play the game…” from the first verse reflects that as well. The song and many tracks on the album relate to this, and to continually growing and being the kind of person you’d be proud of. You don’t have to do things just because they are the norm, you don’t have to do things just because it’s how your parents did it. Positive social change doesn’t come from repeating the same mistakes – it comes from pursuing your passions and thinking critically, Question Everything. I hope that makes sense?
HAPPY: Were there any other tracks that felt especially important to you? Why?
NEAL: The closing track, Science or Religion, was recorded live. It discusses the battle between the two, and if one contradicts the other. I think because of the single vocal take it stands out as a little more raw and authentic. It’s completely different to the other songs as well – our folk roots can be clearly identified with this one.
HAPPY: Also loving the video for Pull Out All The Stops – who did you work with putting this together?
NEAL: Thanks! Yeah we worked with Harry Morrissey and Milly Cooper and they organised everything. We just showed up and had the privilege of getting shot with paintballs and running around and hurting ourselves trying to fall ‘correctly’. Everyone involved did this for very little money and we’re so grateful they were on board and gave their all.
HAPPY: You’re celebrating the record with a big show. If you had to give fans one reason to come along, what would it be?
NEAL: Well, apart from the first opportunity to buy some shirts and CDs, I can honestly say that the lineup consists of an incredible amount of talent. If you love to rock ‘n’ roll then the launch party will satisfy those cravings.
HAPPY: Can you tell us about those support bands on the night?
NEAL: We’ve got King Tiger Zero kicking it off, who we played with at Leadbelly, Newtown earlier in the year. We were stoked that they agreed to come on board, they were amazingly tight and they sound huge. Stadium rock worthy. Following those radicals we’ve got Moondogs and then Steamboat Hollow. These guys have a bunch of charm, catchy tunes, and members include some of the best musicians we know.
HAPPY: What’s on for The Night after the big show?
NEAL: More writing, more promoting, just gotta keep it real, keep going and improving our craft.
HAPPY: Thanks for the chat!
NEAL: Was a pleasure, take care!
Catch The Night live at The Long Jetty Hotel, NSW on September 1st for their album launch. Grab all the info here.