
Introducing Doprah

Every now and then amongst the vast, mouldy, kale-filled ocean that is the Internet, it presents you with a secret treasure – a luminescent pearl pocketed inside an otherwise unremarkable shell.


Case in point: The Christchurch based duo Doprah. From lurking their Facebook, it seems they’ve been around for about a year. The pair are Steven Marr from post punk/shoegaze band Ipswich, and female vocalist Indira Force. They’ve released a couple of singles, and then taken them offline again. As it currently stands, Doprah have one track online, San Pedro, and it is near flawless. These guys describe themselves as “A sinister and evil cult which lures young people into drug-taking”, which is a concept I’m comfortable with and, after listening, a cult I’m keen to join.

Any 90’s worshipping, trip hop hopping, Radiohead/Portishead/Massive Attack/Tricky fan (and I know there are a lot of you) will go nuts for this shit. Plus, it has the cleanness in production that we can thank the 2000s for.

Doprah are playing at the Auckland Laneway Fest on the day you’ll be reading this, Monday the 27th of Jan. I can’t wait to hear more from these guys. Keep an eye and ear out.

Side note: They also win the award for Best FB URL: “doprahwinfrey69”