The Saturday Knights write lyrics that are simple and honest. Much of their material covers the mundane, capturing the weight of the everyday grind. They skim over world issues and politics, then dismiss them with a comment about getting a beer.
The boys are signed to Milk! Records, alongside some other great artists, and are based in the cultural hub of Melbourne. They really fit with the slacker rock feel of the label. Some melancholy tracks also feature a lot of harmonica, which makes them feel a bit warmer. It’s predominantly garage rock, but beautifully folky in places too.
Heart Breakers and Party Shakers is their debut album, and it is exactly this – a mixture of happy and sad; documenting the blandness, loneliness and nothingness of small town life and also featuring some more upbeat, reckless riffs. There are melancholy tracks documenting the search for love, the disappointment of failed relationships. Check out Five O-Clock Grrl and listen for yourself.
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