A little while ago we came across an article on Vice about a bunch of all-female skate crews we should follow on Instagram. Being the obedient apostles that we are, we obliged. So for the past few months we’ve had our eyes opened to the bourgeoning female skate scene around the world, propelled by crews like Nefarious, The Skate Kitchen, The Skate Witches and Santa Crus Lady Lurkers.
These girls are reclaiming a scene dominated by men and filling the gender gap in the skate world. And their Instagram accounts rule. So do yourself a favour, listen to Vice us and go follow them. Below is a quick snapshot of these lady shredders who are killing it around the world.
Here’s a snapshot of the all-female skate crews who are reclaiming a scene dominated by men and filling the gender gap in skate around the world.
While you’re here, check out our list of Aussie girl drummers who pound their kits like beasts.