ANCRIP aka Jonus De Aguiar is one mysterious dude. Graphic designer by day but come nightfall, Jonus is mixing up some beats and experimenting with samples and sounds. Typical creative types, have to do it all, don’t they? Whatever this musical Bruce Wayne is doing, he’s onto something. This guy has got some of the freshest, coolest new beats. And all the way from the west coast’s shining pearl of a city, Perth (where the sun shines and the beaches are fine).
His track Meltin’ does exactly that. It invites you in with a solid beat and charms your butt right off its seat with a great hook. Reminds me of acid wash jeans, Nikes, denim jackets and other 90’s niceties. I’m half expecting Whoopi Goldberg, Lauren Hill and the rest of the Sister Act 2 gang to come out and start skipping rope. Catch U does not disappoint with a nice swell of beats, spoken word samples, hi-hats, and midis.
His eclectic blend of hip hop with new school electronica make for an infectious sound, almost Flight Facilities-esque. His album artwork certainly gives you a clue into the music as it has the same flicker, fluidity and is liquefied – much of the same tones as in the couple of tracks he has up. There are some cool sounds coming from dude. Kudos.