
Australian live music saw a record-breaking spike in attendance last year

According to a new report from Live Performance Australia, the Australian live music sector saw a record-breaking growth in sales and attendance numbers in 2017.

The Ticket Attendance and Revenue Report found that Aussie live music has seen a 23% growth in attendance and a 32% growth in revenue between 2016 and 2017. That’s pretty bloody impressive, and we should all be proud of ourselves.

Still reckon live music is dying? This new report from Live Performance Australia is here to put the final nail in your unfounded opinion.

Over 23 million Australians attended live events with over $1.88 billion generated through ticket sales,” says Live Performance Australia’s chief executive, Evelyn Richardson.

Over the recored period, it appears our friends in Victoria have taken the lead in going to the most gigs.

For the first time, Victoria takes the mantle of having the largest industry share for ticket sales revenue and attendance,” Richardson says.

Record revenue of $639 million (up 45%) and attendances of 7.4 million (up 35%) were driven by growth in major contemporary music concerts, musicals, circus and physical theatre and theatre.

Though, while VIC are leading the charge, Tasmania saw the largest growth out of any Aussie territory, with an 84.3% growth. Hooley dooley.

Read the full report for yourself here.

Via The Music Network.