If we haven’t already made it clear (I hope we have), we’re into art. We’re also into synths. Who in their right mind wouldn’t be?
The work of artist Ste Holmes combines the best of both worlds. What started for him as a series of doodles soon gained a fair bit of online attention, which will now result in an art book. And damn, it looks neat.

Appreciate a beautiful synth? Ste Holmes is bringing vintage gear to life in a series of colourful illustrations.
From Kickstarter:
“I created a series of 36 illustrations of synthesisers over the course of the summer. I thoroughly enjoy doing them. They were released on social media and quickly gained popularity with both synth lovers and manufacturers alike. People wanted to know where they could get a hold of them hence this illustrated book project.”
“Most designs end up on tees or travel mugs these days but I wanted something different for Synth Art. I really wanted to see these designs in a coffee table book and thought it would be a nice addition to any studio.”
Check out some of the designs below, and head to their Kickstarter page for full details.
Via Synthtopia.