At one point or another, we’ve all been guilty of succumbing to hours playing video games and emerging as a pale, vampiric creature once our parents finally got fed up and hid the TV cable.
And if you’re a ’90s kid, Nintendo may have played a crucial role in contributing to your eyes turning square.
Having already hit Perth and Melbourne, The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses is here to take you on a nostalgic journey through the fantasy world of Zelda, blending the original soundtracks with a touch of deviation.
With so many Nintendo 64 games to choose from, Legend Of Zelda seemed to be one that earned its position as a clear stand out, taking the player on a magical journey through a medieval fantasy world and battling foes along the way. If just reading this is making you nostalgic, than fantasise no more because there’s a Legend Of Zelda concert at the Sydney Opera House this coming weekend.
Playing the symphony soundtrack from start to finish, the concert is the result of a collaboration between Nintendo and symphonist Jason Michael Paul. The aim of the concert is to mimic the game soundtracks as closely as possible.
October 29 marks the date of the concert, with two separate shows taking place on the Sunday. Paul himself is a long-time Zelda fan, his love sparking at the age of 10 with his very own NES gold Zelda cassette. With Majora’s Mask, Skyward Sword and Breath of The Wild as personal favourites, Paul produced the 25th Anniversary Orchestral CD at the personal request of Nintendo.
The performance will feature a full orchestra and choir, smashing out music from Skyward Sword, Breath of the Wild and Ocarina of Time. The three main elements in bringing video game soundtracks to life, according to Paul, are:
“Reimagining the scores to sound amazing being performed by an orchestra and choir, hiring truly talented humans that are equally as passionate about Zelda as they are about arranging and composing, and using a lot of the themes and melodies and making them sound bombastic and big-sounding.”
Relive the fantasy for yourself and catch The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses this Sunday the 29th of October at the Sydney Opera House.
Believe it or not, the soundtrack to Ocarina of Time was never pressed on vinyl. Check out four more video games OSTs that never made it to wax below:
Via Gizmodo.