Potato pasta, hot chip sandwich, noodles on toast. Nestled between these snacks are Carb on Carb, the male-female duo from Auckland. They’ve been writing and releasing music since 2012, but to me their sound is super reminiscent of the early-mid 2000s. They’ve nailed angst-pop (I think I just coined that term) perfectly, and are dare I say verging on being comparable to the emo tunes that saw me through most of 2006. Note: anyone who knows me well enough will know that is most definitely a compliment!
Mac DeMarco is a fan too, having picked them for the opening slot on his Singaporean tour. For those who are not ashamed to admit they still have a portion of emo living strongly inside them; dust off your liquid eyeliner and fingerless gloves and give Carb on Carb a whirl. Nothing else is quite as filling.