
ICYMI A bad line of code just broke the internet (actually)

Fortune 500 companies fell prey to the blue screen of death over Crowdstrike’s software flaw, sending entire financial systems into chaos

Imagine all the preppers stockpiling their baked beans, and getting all “I told you so!” because the internet went kaput. That’s what happened this week, thanks to a rogue update from the cybersecurity company Crowdstrike.

Turns out their latest update sucker punched millions of Windows machines into the blue screen abyss. We’re not exactly tech experts, so check out the video below for a complete breakdown.

Airlines? Grounded. Banks? Froze. Your online cat video addiction? On hold. Basically, the world went into meltdown faster than you can say “Y2K bug.”

Thankfully, technicians are diligently working on a fix, and supermarkets, banks, and even fast food joints are gradually coming back online. Be prepared, though, the solution might require a forgotten password – think AIM screenname levels of obscurity (RIP ICQ!).

This whole Crowdstrike fiasco is a reminder: don’t put all your eggs in one digital basket, and maybe download a decent backup plan besides hoarding tuna. The internet may be a constant, but one update can literally break the bank.