Conspiracy theorists from the ‘Official blog for the Kanye West, David Bowie conspiracy’ believe that West’s destiny was prophesied long ago, in a 1972 David Bowie song.
Whether its Tupac, Elvis or Michael Jackson, the world is filled with obsessive fans holding onto a glimmer of hope these famous artists will someday return. David Bowie is no exception to the rule, with conspiracy theorists believing Bowie and Kanye West are connected.
According to a fan statement on the blog, Bowies fifth studio album, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars is linked to West in more ways than one. The fan draws similarities to the pair, pointing out that the cover of Bowie’s 1972 album features an image of an illuminated shop sign that reads ‘K. West’.

It then goes on to point out that a year and two days after the release of track Five Year, Kanye West was born, aka the long-awaited ‘Starman’ on June 8 1977, here to save all of humanity.
When Bowie passed away on January 10th, 2016 West was also conveniently one of the first artists to take to social media, posting on Twitter an hour after his death was publicly announced, reading: “David Bowie was one of my most important inspirations, so fearless, so creative, he gave us magic for a lifetime.”
Another fan posted that Bowie’s latest album Blackstar was a statement to West that Bowie has chosen him, with the title track Blackstar revealing some truth to this crazy conspiracy. The lyrics state that,”Something happened on the day he died, spirit rose a meter and stepped aside. Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried ‘I’m a blackstar, I’m a blackstar!'”
Let’s not forget the third track off Blackstar, titled Lazarus, which refers to a biblical character that falls sick and dies, coming back from the dead through Jesus’ power of prayer. It’s interesting to note that West has previously referred to himself as Jesus and God, on his 2013 Yeezus album where he posed on the cover of Rolling Stone with a headband crafted from thorns.
In addition to this, Sia released song ‘Reaper‘ three days after Bowies death, which was conveniently co-written and produced by West himself. Coincidence? Sorry but yeah, we think so.