
Introducing Electric Sea Spider

Jim Stellars AKA Electric Sea Spider is 21 and is an electronic/hip-hop producer. He’s also part of Melbourne Collective This Thing – a magical music realm where you can find many great things of the musical variety.

electric sea spider

Stellars’ is bold, he’s adventurous, he isn’t afraid to mix things up. He combines sounds from across genres, picking out nice little parts that work well together and parts that you wouldn’t think would work together, but really do. There are ambient sounds, glitchy sounds, some obscure but brilliant samples that give his music such charisma, and they’re all balanced and measured proficiently.

Along with a few other tracks, Bathtub Adventure involves some rap along with glitchy stuff, immediately bringing to mind the sonic fusions of Flying Lotus. And after doing my research I have come to find that Stellar’s first show was actually alongside Flying Lotus and Gaslamp Killer. Wowza! Definitely one to keep an eye on.