
Ember Ally weave a beautiful tapestry of folk-pop magic on ‘Orbit’

There’s something immediately spellbinding about the music of Ember Ally. The South Australian duo, made up of Ally Hayward and Amber Timms, have quickly developed a sound that feels equal parts grounded and far-reaching; it’s rooted in folk but stretches far wider.

With the release of their debut single Orbit, the two-piece have immediately established their penchant for crafting immersive and earnest gems of sound. If you’re not already listening to this group, we strongly recommend you change that.

On their debut single Orbit, South Australian two-piece Ember Ally deliver a dynamic and deeply hopeful slice of folk-pop magic.

Throughout the new single, Ember Ally weave together elements of pop, soul, jazz, and folk to deliver something uniquely their own. With soaring vocal melodies and rich, textured instrumentation, Orbit is brimming with pure musical charm. Across the track’s three-and-a-half-minute run-time, it builds into something truly dynamic; it expands and contracts, flipping between huge arrangements and raw, stripped-back harmonies.

While the song feels bright and infectious, it still holds an honest emotional weight. The track is about a long-distance relationship, and reinforces feelings of hope in such situations. On Soundcloud, the track appears alongside the lone comment “distance can’t lessen love,” and it’s this sentiment that makes Orbit so powerful.

These still may be early days for this Adelaide duo, but judging by the quality of everything we’ve heard so far, I think we can safely expect plenty more great tunes from Ember Ally.

In the meantime, do yourself a favour and listen to the new track above.