
EXCLUSIVE: Sarah Belkner and Ed Wells cover alt-J’s Tessilate

No one would ever admit that a triangle is a sexy shape (a parallelogram maybe). That was of course until alt-J dropped the sexually charged Tessilate on the world a few years back. So hearing that the gentle tones of Sarah Belkner would be covering such a track one can’t help but be intrigued. With the help of the deep, smoky voice of Ed Wells, the pair manage to pull of a flawless cover.

Sarah Belkner Tessilate exclusive

The original is a slightly brooding, sultry track, and the video is pretty mad too. Wells and Belkner had no easy task in front of them approaching Tessilate, and you’ll be damned to say that they didn’t pull it off in fine form. Wells takes the lead with his deep vocals, their sound is so rich. If a 16 year old Lagavulin could sing this is what it would sound like. Belkner is by no means playing second fiddle, her warm harmonies are delicate and on point. When she takes the reigns she owns every moment in her sensual and emotive performance.

Sarah Belkner is now halfway through her residency at The Newsagency, with two more shows to be played with Katie Wighton and Maples respectively. Make sure to get some tickets and get down to the show!

Wednesday August 5 – The Newsagency with Katie Wighton
Wednesday August 12 – The Newsagency with Maples

*Photo credit on home page to Chris Parkes.