
Flo Wilson – Music For Dance

And now for something completely ambient. A hop, skip and jump away in New Zealand, vocal experimenter Flo Wilson wants you to dance to her latest EP Music for Dance. By dance I don’t mean whipping your hair back and forth, but theatrical performance type stuff. You know, put on some tights and a mask and mimic a tiger hunting its prey.

Flo Wilson

Dance music of a very different kind from NZ’s Flo Wilson, here’s some more ambience for your long weekend comedown.

For those of us who aren’t professional dancers, fear not, this little EP may still be for you. Its other uses include: introspection, meditation and really cool doing the dishes music. Prowling onto the scene in 2011 as solo vocal project Foxtrot, Flo hails from the New Zealand School of Music. Studying Sonic Arts, she’s your go-to girl for sound design, computer music, embodied performance and immersive installations. Which makes her musical experiments… interesting, to say the least.

Just recently, she’s decided to leave her alias down the foxhole and resurface with an EP full of dark dream vibes. With not much in the way of melody or rhythm, first track Music for Dance #1 (Mark), sends you down a deep nine minute introspection. Disturbing hums, ghostly exhales and cathedral notes, this track’s atmospheric vocals and otherworldly sounds are best enjoyed with the dark musings of your mind.

Track two, fittingly titled Music for Dance #2, is a shorter compilation of experimental sounds. Its ethereal vocals, organic noises and celestial though haunting keyboard, lure you into a space where your body and its surroundings seem like they float away.

Closer, Music for Dance #3, takes its lead from the previous track and brings you the sounds of impending doom. With tiptoeing vocals and horror movie-like intensity, it holds you in the clutches of its sinister mood, leaving you no choice but to surrender.

Ambient music makes for a challenging listen, huh? But, challenging as it may be, I think it’s a pretty cool way to extend your mind. Or body, if you prefer the theatrical dance approach.


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