
Happy’s Zen Horoscope (2nd January – 8th January): It’s time to focus

Didn’t quite nail something the first time around? If there was ever a moment for a second chance this is it.

With a little push from the New Moon in Capricorn, now is the perfect time to try again.

Be a little cautious, be a little serious, and be a little more grounded than you usually might be, but most of all get down to business. Dig in and really focus on your long-term goals.


There is a lot of potential that surrounds things for you this week. So whether you are beginning something new, and need a little inspiration to get you going, or you’ve just wrapped something up, and need a little break. Invite spaciousness into the present moment, and take a minute or two to centre yourself. Take a deep breath in, and when you exhale feel yourself settle into the very centre of your being because, that’s where you get all of your energy from, giving you the clarity and direction to proceed. 


You have the skills, you have the capabilities, it’s now up to you to make an extensive and complete plan and follow it through. Collaborations are needed at this time, so allow room for each to bring to the table their own set of strengths to help the project at hand. A strong synergy can be catered if you listen, and learn along the way. Assertive management is essential in getting things done well, and on time.


Keep your emotions in check when it comes to decision making this week. Let logic and intellect navigate the path ahead. Do research any major decisions before committing to them,  and don’t worry too much about hurting anyone’s feelings, because in order to achieve great results, sometimes you need to lean on a bit of firmness and conviction to get things done. If mistakes happen, don’t let them get the better of you, it may well be just what was needed. Take in your stride, and keep going. 


Ask yourself what makes you happy, and what doesn’t. If what you have in your life personally, or professionally does not hold the recipe for future success, then maybe something needs to change. Use this week to ponder that, and when you are ready, take the necessary steps that will manifest the future that you want. In order to bring something greater into your life, sometimes you need to let go of something that’s not working, which will only ever be positive, and often only in reflection can you see how important it was to do so. 


A timeframe of curiosity and wonder. You may find that you have a lot of new ideas bouncing about within you. You may also be wondering if any of them are practical or sound, or if you should take one of them and run with it. Be open to the messages that are coming your way, any synchronicities or signs from people/nature/environment will help to guide you in the right direction. Mostly just feel good about dreaming big, and feeling good about reaching your fullest potential, because this is a magical time, and anything and everything is possible. 


A good week for getting in touch with the things that made you happy as a child, revisiting some old memories, friends, or places. Stay connected to the child within, it keeps you happy. Happy in a way that doesn’t need anyone or anything to feel fulfilled. Because when you feel content,  you will notice that your connections with others hold less weight, your interactions become more playful and loving. Because true love comes from developing your own sense of self-love and when you develop this you’ll find that you have so much love to give what you will naturally draw more love towards you, more than you could have imagined. 


Use this week to re-evaluate what’s important to you, especially when it comes to money and wealth. You may find when you look around that you have been, up until now, placing too much emphasis on material things and you’ll realize that things don’t make you happy, only love will make you happy. This may inspire you to seek out more love and happiness in your life, and choose time spent with people or activities that make you happy, or you may even feel compelled to declutter your home or opt for a more minimalist approach to life. 


If there are any negative associations that feel to be hindering any progress on the professional or personal front, remind yourself that these feelings are only temporary and in place to keep you persevering ahead. If you feel like your responsibilities are endless or if you feel that you are lacking in support, don’t let it get the better of you. Just stop, take a moment and keep going. Make sure you do not take on any other duties or tasks at this stage until you have more control over your current circumstances. You are close to nailing a perfect scenario of work/life balance, don’t stop now. 


Distractions will always be there, this is a given, and it’s up to you to learn how to buckle down, and push them aside until the task at hand is completed. Especially when you have a deadline. Don’t over-commit yourself, instead focus on the one thing that requires your undivided attention and don’t stop until it’s done. Don’t let things drag out unnecessarily. Reduce distractions, and take on a mindful and present approach to the week ahead to help to stay on track.  


Out with the old, in with the new. You have gone through a few challenges and stripped yourself from any limiting beliefs that may have been holding you back. This new quality of inner silence that you are carrying within you, may make some people uncomfortable, but that’s okay. If it’s too much for them, given how accustomed they may be to a noisier world, just take some timeout for yourself, or seek out those that resonate with your new sense of self.  You have chosen the highest version of yourself, so be open to new ideas and growth, and continue to listen to the still voice of your inner being.


Sometimes you get to the point where you feel that enough is enough, and if you are at the point now, then it’s important to allow yourself to take the risk of shattering any old patterns that have prevented your energy from flowing freely. There is something to be had in going through a breakdown consciously and can be one of life’s greatest adventures you can go through if you let it be. Use this week to do something, anything that will shake you out of your old habits, even if it turns out to be a mistake, let it happen. Because it’s time to let go of any burdens or restrictions that are limiting you, and in doing so you will be amazed at the vitality and sense of empowerment that it will bring. 


A great week to tap into the feminine part of yourself, and discover all the ways that you can express yourself creatively. Whether it be having a bath, spending more time with your loved one, or immersing yourself in your favoured artistic hobby, just make sure you do it. Because this is a reflective timeframe, and you have everything you need to live a comfortable life. So take a moment and give gratitude for all you have, so that you can keep building on it with the kind of enthusiasm and joy that can create even more abundance, for yourself and the people that you love.