
Happy’s Zen Horoscope (5th – 11th June) a bit of follow through wouldnt kill ya

First Quarter Moon in Virgo, pay attention this week to any projects that you are working on.

Especially when it comes to any challenges, you will benefit from taking on a bit of Virgo methodology to thoughtfully power through. As long as you are active, you can’t go wrong, because any strategies that you implement this week, will stick around for the long term, and become a part of your working practice. 


Step away, and get your introspective self on. Withdrawing into your own thoughts is perfectly fine this week, as it will give you the opportunity to think about any projects that are coming up, to decide whether they are the right fit, and to say yes or no. 


Change can be unsettling, even though it may be leading you towards an important transition. If you happen to be experiencing any upheaval, know that it’s for a good reason because you are shaping what the next chapter looks like, so try to go with it, like the breath of fresh air that it will inevitably be. 


The way forward is collaboration, so go out of your way to create the right kind of environment that will support a happy co-operative. You can achieve a lot just by sharing your vibrant and positive energy, so get to it, and set the tone that will make magic.  


Time to look at the glass half full, if you know what I mean. If things haven’t been going your way lately, know that change is but a smile away. It may be time to change your outlook, and instead of feeling negativity towards things, embrace a more positive attitude to help to turn thinsg around. 


As you strive ahead with your goals, even though you may be in a strong leadership position, do your best to look at the overall process of getting things done. Especially when it comes to steering everyone towards a common goal. Because this is the main theme of the week, getting everyone on the same page.


If your home or work life is out of balance, this may be a good week to correct things. Ensure positive change, by talking to the people in your life that can help you to rebalance your priorities. It will make a big difference in achieving your goals.


New beginnings, and new opportunities, everything is indicating toward saying yes, especially if you’ve noticed all of the green lights going off around you. But like anything, taking and seeing something new all the way to the end is up to you.  You hold the power in your hands, so remember that as you say yes, you hold the outcome in the palm of your hands.



As you steadily work on your goals, remember to check in with yourself every now and then to make sure your goals are aligning with your personal definition of success. It’s easy to get sidetracked by what others deem to be successful, so stay true to yourself and your own brand, and you can’t go wrong. 


You may have successfully averted a disaster recently, this is a good thing, so stay aligned with this outcome, take it as the serious message that it is, and dont invite conflict in your life if you dont have to. If you feel a calling towards competition and winning at all costs, resist the urge, and rethink it. 


There are no shortcuts. So when it comes to completing a huge life goal/project, or whatever you have on your mind, know that you have to sit down and plan out the necessary steps, and then take that first step, and then the next one, and so on and so on, until you reach your desired goal. That’s it, that’s the process, so try your best to stick to it, it will make all the difference. 


You know what you want, and you know what it takes to achieve it. Just bear in mind that you’ll need to stay positive, so be kind, friendly, and optimistic in your exchanges with others, and you will do just fine. More than fine. 


If you feel the calling to take up something new, dont let self-doubt get in the way. Sometimes you have to be brave and take that scary step towards it, because what if it turns out to be great? Remember it’s almost always better to try and fail than to not try at all.