
Happy’s Zen Horoscope Week (18th July – 24th July) More, is more

It’s Leo season baby! One of the most passionate and energetic signs of the zodiac, Leo encourages you to stand out from the crowd. If you feel like being flashy, don’t hold back.

Pursue your interests with a fiery intent, reinvigorate the old, and get back to the things that you have been putting off. And remember, ‘more is more’, especially when it comes to fashion and self-expression. Make sure you use this timeframe to your advantage, because if there is any season that gives you licence to go all out, this is it. 

Be sure to check in with the people in your life midweek. Venus enters Virgo on the 21st which encourages caring and thoughtfulness. 

Full moon in Aquarius on the 23rd, inspires a passionate approach to your endeavours, in particular when it comes to group projects, or just helping out, redirect your intent on the bigger picture, making it less about you, and more about the collective.


Regeneration and renewal. This is the time to say no to the overly needy demands of others. Not to the point where you become an asshole, but to the point that you can get what you’ve been missing out on, and get what’s yours. Shake off any sleepiness, move out of the crowd, and be true to your inner lion. Reevaluate what’s not working for you, so that you can free yourself up for a new sense of self, so that you can move forward with renewed visions and hope for the future. 


A time to push through any rigid or stubborn af traits, because there is a whole lot of newness out there for you if you want it.  New people, new places, new experiences, you just have to shrug off some old judgmental notions, you know the ones, that’s good, that’s bad, that’s acceptable, that’s unacceptable.

Sometimes you have to open up a little and go with the flow, maybe resist a little less than you usually might, you’ll be surprised at all the awesomeness that comes floating in. And you don’t want to waste any opportunities for awesomeness. You just don’t. 


It’s quite humbling when you recognize that we are all the same, your hopes and your fears are not so different from your next-door neighbours. So with this in mind Libra, there is a Zen saying that can guide your path this week “If you want to change the world, start with the next person who comes to you in need.” So if you feel compelled to help, or to just make sure that the people in your life have everything that they need, set to it. Because there is a gift in giving and sharing, that brings even greater joy and abundance to your life in a very meaningful way.


Experiencing a set back? Don’t get weighed down with any mistakes or disappointments,  just take it in your stride Scorpio.  Always use any mistakes as the lesson that they are meant to be, to learn from, and to not make them again.

Especially if you have been repeating things time and again that you have actually outgrown, things that you are meant to be leaving behind you. And remember, self-forgiveness is an important step in leaving mistakes in the past where they belong. So use this time to create some new blueprints for yourself, keep creating and keep moving forward. 


A good week for self-discipline. Especially in the areas of health or fitness or anything that supports self-improvement. Because you have been busy lately immersing yourself in the next big thing, and chances are you’ve let some of the more ordinary aspects of life slip behind.

You know, housework, bills and other mundane stuff like that. So maybe take some time out to get your house in order and try to focus on the practical matters of life as you chase your dreams. 


Accolades Capricorn, for a job well done. You are a glowing success. Whether it be public recognition, a Palme d’Or , or just a good old pat on the back, it’s well deserved. And quite frankly, sometimes you need it, to know that all of your hard work was for something, and not for nothing.

So you should feel pretty proud of yourself. You are 100 per cent supported, and 100 per cent loved. I guess the Zen challenge lies in knowing that ‘this too will pass’,  as all things invariably do, so enjoy the hell out of while you can.


Aaah, what to do, where to go? You are at an interesting point Aquarius, you have a lot of options, and all of them are good. With so many options, the best path at this time, is to choose what will let you reach your potential. Don’t think small, think big, and do not be content easily, because smallness is nothing but an imposition on your freedom and on your potential. So with this in mind, discover what pushes you out of your comfort zones, step to it, and plan accordingly. 


Sometimes you prefer to go it alone, working away quietly and diligently all on your lonesome. And there are certainly many benefits in doing so, especially when you are a bit tired of waiting for other people to join you. 

Keep in mind, sometimes when there is a lack of team harmony, it may just be matter of bringing everyone back to the same page, and aligning yourselves with your project all over again, maybe renegotiate timing, planning or resources. 

But if you are set on going solo, and you find that you’ve tackled a task that requires a little help, do be open to asking. 


Love is in the air. There is a lot of potential around you to turn a partnership, whether it be a romantic or a platonic/professional relationship into something that will go the distance.  You feel ready to embrace it as the opportunity that it is, to grow this into the highest love that there is, which is compassion.

Unconditional love, is an appreciation of what the other brings to the table in their own unique way, and if you continue to build on your shared values, and vision for the future, with equal mutual respect and trust, it will succeed. 


There is a lot of energy around, and Taurus, if you don’t know what to do with it, point it towards something positive, give it direction. Because it’s a nice week for actively pursuing a project or a hobby just for the love of it. Recognise, that now is the only time that there is, and create away.

The people around you will either feel uplifted and refreshed by your passionate interests, or they will feel threatened and afraid, either way, this should matter very little because nothing  should prevent you from expressing your own brand of creativity. Nothing.


You have always been your own teacher, not one to abide by the traditional rules and regulations that others seem to adhere to. And this week is about walking to the beat of your own drum more than ever, especially if that means going against the status quo or breaking with convention.

You have worked hard to gain this kind of independence, and you should feel good about it, so take out your most awesome outfit from the closet, put on your best threads, look good, feel good, it’s just that kinda week. 


Raising your self-awareness is key. You know, those little lightbulb moments, ka-ching. the penny drops, all of those fab sayings. It’s important to remember to use this self-knowledge in every aspect of the day, especially with any decisions that need to be made. Because your convictions may be tested this week, others may try to pull you in the opposite direction, and it will be your challenge to stay true to your sense of what’s right, to make sure that the decisions you make are in alignment with your values and inner truth, that doesn’t come from the mind per se but from deep within you.