
Introducing: Autumn

I love Autumn. Despite living in Australia Winter is bloody dreadful, and Summer just leaves me a sweaty mess. And don’t get me started on Spring, with all the birds and bees frolicking in the air my allergies are at DEFCON 6 and quite frankly that just isn’t fun for anybody.

But Autumn, it’s just perfectly balanced. The sun shines while the wind blows gently. People aren’t as loud and taking in the beauty of the world around us in gentle silence is a more endearing feeling than any forty degree festival day could ever deliver. That warm Autumn embrace is exactly what it is to be ensnared by the music of Brisbane duo Autumn.


The haunting vocals and sophisticated production of Brisbane’s Autumn promise a young act ready to rattle the cage of the electro scene.

Ha! See there was a point to my weather rambling. Autumn are an indie electronic duo hailing from Bris-Vegas and the good old Sunshine Coast consisting of Thomas Hobbs and Jay Kane. The pair came together in 2012 and released a pair of songs early last year. Their dreamy, haunting sound is reminiscent of Broods or London Grammar. Now I’m a kid who grew up dissatisfied in middle class Australia smack bang in the middle of Sydney’s south west, so angry rock music is usually my jam, but the with only two tracks to their name Autumn have managed to create an impressive repertoire of engaging and thoughtful music.

The first single Ghost is less of the Poltergeist kind and more of the Casper the friendly ghost type. The atmospheric synths and eerie delayed guitar form the meat of the song as the precarious keys linger almost unnoticed in the mix. The music is enticing, drawing you further down into the murky depths. The true highlight of Ghost is Jay’s – for lack of a better word – haunting vocals. Her controlled and emotive style is incredible. She conveys the sadness, regret and pensiveness with ease, the experience is truly mesmerising.

Off the back of Ghost is Breathe Out. Things are a little more electronic as we open with a flurry of vocal samples before Jay’s velvet voice creeps onto the track. Her – again, for lack of a better word – breathy vocal expressions give Breathe Out a whole new dimension and a very interesting character. The themes of passing time and the dichotomy of water harbouring life and death are pretty heavy but are presented on the surface in minimal fashion, allowing the song to wash over you and swell with each repeated listen.

Autumn have been focusing on releasing some new music in the future, but to tide us over till then they dropped a pretty sweet cover of Drake‘s Too Much. In the spirit of any good cover, the song uses Autumn’s trademark vocals and electronica to put a fresh spin on the track whilst maintaing the raw energy of the original. To put it simply, if the Autumn pair can pull off what they have with this amazing cover on their upcoming original material then we’re all in for one helluva treat.