
Is black your favourite colour? Then Hoax from Slow Culture is the perfect mood dampener for you

According to Slow Culture, “the truth don’t sound so sweet now”. The truth about the band is they sound like they’ve done some heavy thinking. Hoax, the debut track released by the Sydney four-piece is a hard look at bitter truth and it’s one that won’t let you turn your head away. A song for those moments of bittersweet anger, that capture the feeling of when you’ve been scorned by a lover or had an argument with a friend.

Slow Culture

Sydney four-piece get delve deep into the psyche of a relationship in tatters with their latest single Hoax. Way to nail your debut single gents!

Slow Culture is made up of Jack O’Neale on guitar / vocals, Leon Moore on guitar, Payton Ellis on synth / bass and Ben Grover on drums. There’re some Soundgarden, Smashing Pumpkins and a mix of 90s grunge and alt-rock in the guitars and drumming. Slow Culture was taken from a biography of Brian Jones, the guitarist of Rolling Stones fame who tragically died under suspicious circumstances. With a name that comes from a biography of a tragic life, the deep and heavy sound of the band feels appropriate.

The quiet / loud sound used by Slow Culture is one that is common with grunge acts, one that contemporaries Ali BarterTired Lion and Rolling Blackouts have utilised in a massive way. Slow Culture has spent a lot of time rehearsing their sound, getting it right and it’s something they’re proud of. The track was recorded in Camperdown at Free Energy studios, produced by Phil Punch. According to the band, HoaxCame out of an acoustic jam (they) just happened to record years ago.”You can hear the well thought-out composition, it captures the imagination and stews in it’s moody disposition.

Pub rock has been dead in Sydney for a while, but that doesn’t mean that rock is dead. The youth of Australia has moved beyond their parents’ taste in Barnsey, Farnsey and AC/DC. Australian music is continually evolving and seems to be growing its own distinct personality. You may be able to hear a lot of grunge influences, but Slow Culture show enough experimentation to make them interesting. Hoax is a song that isn’t kidding around, it’s a track for dark days when a storm is outside the windows and inside your heart. This is a breakup song for jilted ex-partners.

For a first release, Hoax is a strong showing. The potential for Slow Culture to grow their sound can be heard, and it’s exciting to wonder what a future LP will sound like should they release one. Don’t play Hoax at a party, instead put on your headphones for a cathartic experience.