What’s that thing your mum always used to tell you when you were growing up? Don’t believe everything you see on the internet. It was pretty good advice. A series of photos featuring mega human skeletons were posted to Twitter, leading people to believe that giant humans once graced this Earth.
But we were quick to notice the image creator’s poor photoshopping skills…
Is this the worst photoshop edit ever? We’ve probably seen worse, but this photo of gigantic skeletons takes the cake for the day.
This very photo swayed a few people into believing giant humans roamed the Earth. The post said that the mega sapiens were killed off by The Vatican and Smithsonian. The bulky remains were tossed into the ocean and sunk to the seafloor, never to be seen again…
Giant skeletons found by the thousands. The Vatican and The Smithsonian destroyed most and threw some into the bottom of the ocean. Because having to explain how they existed contradicted the evolution of mankind from apes. What we’ve been led to believe. What do you believe? pic.twitter.com/DhiHcxn0kA
— Reality is the only check I get (@Mirkked) July 7, 2020
However, Twitter users were quick to realise the error in the pic. One user noticed that there were, in fact, no other body parts to show other than the skull, coming to the conclusion that they were just normal-sized humans with huge heads…
All this photo proves is that this person had a giant head. Their body could’ve been normal size. https://t.co/GrEK4Rc5Fb
— pixelatedboat aka “mr tweets” (@pixelatedboat) July 9, 2020
This one paints a pretty funny picture in our heads. I can already envision the nationalistic painting hanging in an art gallery in the Vatican.
Giant skeletons found by the thousands. The Vatican and The Smithsonian destroyed most and threw some into the bottom of the ocean. Because having to explain how they existed contradicted the evolution of mankind from apes. What we’ve been led to believe. What do you believe? pic.twitter.com/DhiHcxn0kA
— Reality is the only check I get (@Mirkked) July 7, 2020
Other Twitter users retweeted the post, commenting on the lack of care taken by the Pope’s photo editing team.
This would not pass in my design classes. Please clean up with clone stamp. pic.twitter.com/qmB5sYGkns
— Stodgy Seagull (@feedmeshrimp) July 8, 2020
Not only that it looks like we’ve also stumbled upon a natural vortex holy smokes! pic.twitter.com/2mxQp2AeKr
— Luciferian Leftits (@RoeVWadeBoggs) July 8, 2020
Maybe megalodon humans did bang heads together back in the day, but I think it’s safe to say (for now) that Vatican soldiers didn’t cut them up and throw them overboard to become friends with Davey Jones. I guess we’ll have to get to the bottom of the ocean first before we can figure that one out for ourselves.