
J.K. Rowling is threatened on Twitter: “Don’t worry you are next”

UK Police are investigating a threat made against J.K. Rowling after she Tweeted support for Salman Rushdie.

J.K. Rowling shared a supportive message via Twitter for an author by the name of Salman Rushdie, who was brutally attacked and stabbed in New York on Friday. The incident left the Booker prize-winning author in critical condition, due to him receiving several stab wounds on his neck and torso. J. K. Rowling is bearing the brunt of a serious threat.

Reflecting on the attack, J.K. Rowling Tweeted the following: “Horrifying news. Feeling very sick right now. Let him be ok.” This was met with a terrifying response by an individual named Mir Asif Azizi, who said, “Don’t worry you are next.”

J. K. Rowling twitter
Photo – Samir Hussein / WireImage/Getty Images

J.K. Rowling promptly responded by Tweeting screenshots of the incident to Twitter Support. The threatening tweet has since been deleted, but the account associated with it, @MeerAsifAziz1, is still active. A spokesperson for Police Scotland told The New York Times, says their investigation is ongoing.  

J.K. Rowling has made headlines lately with her contentious views on Gender, and Transgender in particular. In the latest news, her name was dropped from a private school house in Warwick.

Warner Brothers took to support the author and issued a public statement soon after the Twitter incident.
