At the height of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise when every Halloween was overpopulated by Captain Jack Sparrows, Johnny Depp was the highest paid actor in the world.
Apparently not even that could stop him from driving himself into bottomless debt with erroneous spending. In January Depp filed a lawsuit against his ex-managers, claiming they were at fault for “mismanaging his finances.” They responded with a list of his biggest cash sinks, and it doesn’t paint the prettiest picture.
After spending $3 million to fire Hunter S. Thompson into space and $4 million on a failed record label, Johnny Depp may as well burn his cash for warmth at this point.
The lawsuit has revealed just how lavish Depp’s spendings have been over his life. Turns out, even if you make millions of dollars from films every year, a little financial know-how can go a long way.
Aside from the famous Hunter S. Thompson cannon incident, Depp reportedly spent $14 million on a yacht, $4 million on a failed record label, $30,000 per month on wine, $200,000 per month on private planes, $150,000 per month on security and $300,000 per month for his staff of 40 workers.
Somewhere amongst all that Depp managed to collect over 70 rare and expensive guitars.
While it’s pretty obvious that Depp’s life could be amongst the most awesome on the planet, that could be coming to an end. Awesomeness can only operate unrestrained for so long.
Or you know, he’ll get paid another $50 million for a film this year.
Via The Independent.