
Kill Murray

“If there’s something strange in neighbourhood, who ya gonna call?” That line is an unforgettable one, which brings back memories of everyone shouting, “Ghost Busters!” If you can’t find Bill Murray, you can probably call upon Katie Bryer Meadows.

Besides making some great music, also hunts the haunters a.k.a. spirits professionally with her buddies at MUZAI Records.

kill murray

New Zealand seems to be obsessed with weed, the internet and kitch 90’s imagery. This time, our case in point is Auckland rap-girl Kill Murray.

Her moniker Kill Murray evolved out of the love for the magnificent and graceful Bill. In case you doubted the realness of her feelings for the man; she’s got a tattoo of the man somewhere on her arm.

Hailing from Auckland, New Zealand, she deals in a form of word-art better known as RnB. The whole act started when she indulged in some freestyle rapping with a friend under the influence. As we all know, one thing always leads to another. She has a number of tracks on Soundcloud, so if you are in the mood for some smooth rapping, you can go check her out.

Ever wondered what it would like to be inside a mammoth wad of cotton-candy? No need to stretch the imagination so far, the video for Smoke Blowback will give you a taste of that world of pink. The first image you see is that of a pussy, no… no, I mean the infamous Hello Kitty and you’re thinking, What The F**K… and then you see the bag of bud and you relax. As the track progresses, you suddenly jump to your feet and shout out, “Yay!” Cause the girls in the video are having a dolly tea-party…

Viva la Barbie and the Barbie make-up movement, eh? And if a tea-party is not grand enough for a snobby-you, then let me tell you that these dollies are smoking weed and are doing what the name of the video says they would be doing. Super Kawaii salute … all in all, the track is pretty grand, the bright percussion works in tandem with the laid-back vocals, giving entire production a nice mellow feel.

Is Japanese-inspired stoner RnB a thing now?