“Sometimes you feel you’ve missed the bus and other times you actually want to miss the bus”
Step into the world of Mario Vayne, where melody reigns supreme and old-school vibes collide with contemporary pop-rock. Hailing from the sun-soaked shores of Queensland, Australia, Mario is a singer-songwriter extraordinaire who is ready to make his mark on the music scene.
But Mario’s journey hasn’t been your typical rock and roll tale. Unlike many musicians, he didn’t follow the traditional path of learning covers or scales on the guitar. No flashy licks or predictable song structures for this guy.
Mario was always about forging his own musical path, focusing on melody and his unique songwriting style from the get-go. It was a case of shyness mixed with a burning desire to create something truly original.
Fast forward to the release of his debut single, “Baby,” and Mario’s musical vision has struck a chord with audiences far and wide. In a world saturated with computerized beats and auto-tuned voices, Mario’s rock-infused anthem with its nostalgic vibes has captured the hearts of many. It’s a testament to his belief that if he loves it, surely others will too. And boy, were his hopes confirmed.
Mario has a long and vibrant relationship with music and has accumulated textures and sonic interests over the years like a true collector. With a strong foundation of what musical ideas are trends, and what represents a truer and more solid sound, Mario has brought his impressive knowledge to the forefront with this debut release.
With “Baby” serving as just the beginning, Mario has grand plans for the future. He’s set his sights on recording the rest of his album, dropping more infectious singles, and taking his show on the road. This is an artist ready to share his musical magic with the world, one stage at a time.
So get ready to be transported by Mario Vayne’s mesmerizing vocals, his heartfelt songwriting, and his unwavering commitment to staying true to himself. He’s the artist you didn’t know you needed, but now you won’t be able to get enough of.
We had the privilege of getting the inside scoop on Mario’s musical mindset, as he sat with us and gave us an insight into the new release ‘Baby’
Happy: What are you up to today?
Mario Vayne: I’m in the studio today recording tracks for some new material and rehearsing the show with the boys.
Happy: Tell us about where you are from? What’s the music scene like in your neck of the woods?
Mario Vayne: I’m originally from Fremantle in WA and moved to Queensland where I have been most of my life now living as close to a beach as I can. Brisbane has always had that old laid back relaxed vibe compared to Melbourne and Sydney and their more vibrant music scenes.
But the lifestyle, the beaches, the weather, is the perfect backdrop for me as a musician to get that inspiration to write songs.
Happy: Describe an average day?
Mario Vayne: Waking up to two Italian Espresso coffees, one for each eye lol while listening to the ocean. Then a morning ride in the mountains on my motorbike searching for a cool, little, remote cafe somewhere for breakfast.
Then taking that inspiration, grabbing my guitar and hitting the studio to write and record new songs. Finishing my day off with a couple of honey whiskeys and a big plate of italian pasta.
Happy: What about your ultimate day?
Mario Vayne: All the above lol and taking my music to the fans for another live show.
Happy: What did you listen to growing up that fuelled your passion for music?
Mario Vayne: I spent lots of time at my grandparent’s house when I was a little dude. My aunties had lots of old vinyl records laying around like The Sweet, Sherbert, Little River Band, KISS, Cheap Trick and The Babys. So I used to sneak into their room a lot and listen to those when my Aunties were out. So my early inspirations were all 70s.
Happy: Congratulations on the release of your debut single “Baby”! We are intrigued to know more about your musical journey and why you chose to release your debut single at this particular moment, despite having been an active participant in the music industry for decades. What led you to this point in your career, and what inspired you to create “Baby”?
Mario Vayne: I’ve always been a true believer in that you have to follow your heart no matter what, otherwise you’ll never be truly happy, and I’ve always been a dreamer too.
Music has been my life since I was 7 years old and it has never been a destination for me, it’s been a journey which takes you to mysterious places and roads untraveled as a songwriter.
The twists and turns along the way have made me the singer and songwriter I am today. Sometimes you feel you’ve missed the bus and other times you actually want to miss the bus lol.
In my case, I chose to get off the bus during the changing musical landscape of the grunge era in the mid-90s. In the end it’s about timing and staying true to yourself. And in 2018, after a long break, it was just a moment of truth about who I was. I was inspired to write again and do it my way and I felt my time is now. BABY was the beginning.
Happy: “Baby” has a captivating blend of rock and country-adjacent elements. How did you find the balance between these genres, and what were some of your influences while creating the song?
Mario Vayne: I’ve never been one to write a song a certain way or like another artist, the song comes to me. Nothing much has changed in that way since I was 11. I was inspired very young by old vinyl records laying around my Aunt’s house of the Eagles and Smokie which may have flavoured my writing.
But you spice up any cool country song you will find a rock song hidden deep down inside lol.
Happy: The production and songwriting of “Baby” have been praised for their dazzling and classic qualities. Can you share some insights into the creative process behind the song?
Mario Vayne: Initially the tracks were recorded in Texas USA . Tracks were then sent to Producer Simon Cohen at Studios 301 in Sydney. Chemistry is a wonderful thing .
I was always inspired by catchy country music but equally lured by the sound of raunchy guitars. BABY has that magical blend of both I think with a modern contemporary flair.
Happy: Given your extensive experience as an active participant in the music industry, how do you feel your past experiences have shaped the creation of “Baby” and your overall approach to music-making?
Mario Vayne: The biggest thing for me was, I was in many bands as a singer, but not a guitarist or songwriter within those bands. I never learnt covers on guitar or scales as such as I thought it would make me write like other guitarists and bands.
I have always been more focused on melody rather than the flashy solo stuff. So it was perhaps shyness I guess, since I was a kid, that I’d kept my guitar playing and songs to myself coz I couldn’t play all the flashy licks and scales like everyone else was playing.
I was always just writing my way…So that’s basically what’s moulded me into the artist I am and how I write and created Baby
Happy: How do you feel about the overwhelmingly positive response, and what are your hopes for the future of your music career following this debut single?
Mario Vayne: I was thinking at the time of release how a rock song with old school vibes would be welcomed in this day and age of computerised and voice correction stuff. I was pleasantly blown away with how many people love the song or miss that vibe.
At the time I was always thinking, well, I like it, surely there are others that would like it too. And that has become overwhelmingly true. My hopes are with recording the rest of the album and releasing lots of singles and taking the show on the road.
Happy: Lastly, what makes you happy?
Mario Vayne: Waking up in the morning knowing all my loved ones are healthy and happy, the sun is shining and my motorbike starts lol
Prepare to be entranced by the melody and musings of ‘Baby’ and Mario Vayne