
Owen Rabbit – Violence and Degradation

Happy’s favourite fluffy vermin, Owen Rabbit, is back on the run with a new tune. Since uncovering him earlier this year we’ve been following him like rabid greyhounds, and straight up been digging everything he’s offered up from his burrow of infectious electro. So as you can imagine, we’re chomping at the bit to report on his latest single Violence and Degradation.

owen rabbit

Uniquely talented multi-instrumentalist and producer, Owen Rabbit, is back with another hypnotic and haunting experimental track- it’s beautifully vivid.

The man behind the fur, Melbournian by-way-of WA multi-instrumentalist Owen Rees, first impressed the musicsphere with his imaginative patchwork production of analogue, digital and acoustic instrumentation. From bottles and tissue boxes to the aerosol can used on previous track Police Car, Owen combines sounds sourced from various random objects as well as more traditional means with guttural vocals, weaving a rich tapestry that dips into experimental elements of trip-hop, soul, lo-fi and R&B. His latest effort though treads into much darker territory, whilst retaining killer melodies and hooks that ensure that it is just as infectious.

Violence and Degradation opens with crisp yet echoey, looping percussion that underlies the understated vocals; raw with a huskiness reminiscent of fellow Melbournian electrodude Muscles. An artificial strings section sneaks in, giving delicateness to the bridge when paired with the unassuming vocals, before spawning many more synthetic layers that together create a sweet, heartening chorus. The mood then contrasts the dark vocals, which touch on the gloominess of drug abuse and foster care. The textural richness that envelops the final chorus carries on through the remaining bars, finishing with a more inspiring tone than which it started.

With his star on the rise, Owen Rabbit has taken another giant bound in displaying his skills and progression as an artist. As a one-man act who lists his Greg Bennet semi acoustic guitar, Boss RC-300 loop pedal and a “hell old garage sale Casio keyboard” amongst his bandmates, he is raising ears amongst the field of talented Aussie electronic producers.

Do yourself a worthwhile favour and discover his impressive live act and witness what he is capable of; catch him at gigs around the country during October, including in Sydney 17th October at the Happy Presents HEAD! for Owen Rabbit’s Single Launch with support from Elbee and  Baerfrens at FBi social!