
PREMIERE: Department. chug milk for One and One

Throughout the ages mankind has tested their valour through feats of strength. Gladiatorial combat, bull fighting, arm wrestling, such things have set the strong apart from the weak. These days things are less barbaric but all in the same, feats of strength are still impressive to watch. And in some cases it’s just hilarious. Take DZ Deathrays‘ Jager sculling video for The Mess Up or Dune Rats‘ spiritual successor with the bong ripping Red Light Green Light. Some crazy stuff, so who in their right minds could follow those two up? Melbourne’s Department., that’s who, and they’ve done so with the equally impressive milk chugging in One and One.

Department. One and One

A nightmare for vegans and the lactose intolerant, Department. chug milk for One and One in this premiere. Equal parts hilarious, horrifying and impressive.

Department. are a three piece Melbourne band who specialise in punk with a jangle rock edge and hints of garage and surf rockOne and One was recorded in an attic with friend of the band Chris Wright. It was actually recorded two years ago, and despite that it still sounds pretty relevant to the current music landscape. It’s fast, relentless and oozes a cool leather jacket vibe.

If the song is the leather jacket then the vide for One and One is the cigarette held loosely between the fingers. Downing a litre of milk is an old game reserved for the intoxicated or the stupid, but it works so well here. The band play it up for fun and settle in nicely within the context of their predecessors. Speaking of the clip guitarist Josh said “I guess our thoughts were all good things come in threes and after seeing the other two clips we figured we could come up with something equal parts spoof and gnarly. Which may or may not have been successful! Milk seemed a good choice after dismissing other foodstuffs, and it had a better puke-factor. I guess gross-out was the theme but to make it still visually captivating“.

Captivating is the right word to use to describe One and One. The milk drinking is definitely the centrepiece of the film, but there are many little things that truly bring it to life. The streamers, confetti and smoke give the video plenty of character beyond being a silly ‘feat of strength’. In fact there may be better production value behind this clip than what DZ and Dune Rats had.

It’s a fun clip all in all, and we are not left disappointed as the boys are left worse for wear once the song wraps up. We may well have an entirely new genre of music video on our hands, and the thought of garage and punk rockers taking up the challenge to think up exciting new ways to take videos is bound to have any Aussie rock fan excited.

Department. is releasing their debut 7” on July 18 and will play the same day at The Old Bar, with Mighty Boys, Dumb Punts & Tiprats.