
PREMIERE: Ella Fence takes charge in Unknown Water video

Being completely in lust with a dream is something Gold Coast songstress Ella Fence knows a thing or two about. Backpacking around the UK and Europe last year, her dream came true when she recorded her debut EP, appropriately titled Wanderlust, at the Brighton Electric Studios with Dan Swift (Snow Patrol) and B-sides with Ken Stringfellow (REM, The Posies) in Paris. Her dream to travel and make music not only makes for charming cinematic folk tunes, but equally charming cinematic videos as her clip for lead single Unknown Water shows.

Ella Fence

With its 1950 Hollywood dynamic, Ella Fence and the team from Double Deuce have created a beautifully shot and entrancing video for Unknown Water.

Directed by Mike Calvino, Stuart Chapman and Jamie Brooks from Double Deuce, the Unknown Water video is more like a classic Hollywood film than a music clip. Presented in black and white, the video is adorned in 1950s inspired class with its whiskey glasses, crystal ashtrays and chic hotel setting. On working with the directors, Ella says it was, “Phenomenal – these three super humans were so incredible to work with. Filming with them was like being in a creative bubble, totally energising”.

Filmed on Queensland’s coast, the rich scenery is the perfect backdrop to Ella’s lush vocal tones. “We shot the whole thing across three days and were lucky enough to film in a number of locations,” Ella says on filming the clip. “The train tracks were in Bangalow, the ocean scene was in Byron Bay, the dusty trails were at The Spit on the Gold Coast, the shots on stage were in the Arts Theatre at The Arts Centre Gold Coast, and the hotel scenes were filmed at QT Hotel Gold Coast.”

Opening with a briefcase soaring through the air, we enter a classy hotel room, balcony curtains flailing in the ocean breeze. Turning the spotlight to our leading lady, Ella is dressed to the nines on a lonely curtained stage, a prisoner it seems in her own hotel room. At odds with what she wants and what she fears, she must decide her next move before her suited captor approaches. As the tune’s percussion swells and a galloping beat takes flight, she flees the hotel in a dash.

Panning along abandoned train tracks, our protagonist hides in the undergrowth as she desperately tries to untie her bound hands. Hurtling past the trees, Ella’s forceful vocals surge and the rhythm hastens until we meet the water’s edge. With waves crashing into the rocks, we get a sense of the inner turmoil she is experiencing. As the tune’s frantic rhythm builds, shots of the briefcase being buried, the suited captor, coastal trails and turbulent waters rush past until our leading lady finally finds the strength to free herself once and for all.

Exploring the power of fears and dreams, Ella says, “I wrote Unknown Water about pursuing a love interest, but it’s slowly grown into an anthem for embracing change, being brave and facing your fears. The underlying theme is taking ownership of your life, freeing yourself from the expectations of the world around you and those you put on yourself”. Captured gorgeously by Double Deuce, we witness that wondrous moment when one finds the courage to go after what they truly want, no longer a prisoner of their fears.

With its classic Hollywood black and white cinematography, the Unknown Water video entrances you in its timeless beauty. Capturing your heart with its simple but powerful message, you can’t help but be moved by this globetrotting songstress’ cinematic folk tune and its charming clip. With her debut EP out June 12 and launch tour to follow, let the lusting for Wanderlust begin.

Wanderlust EP Launch Tour

June 11 – The Milk Factory, Brisbane

June 19 – Kings Cross Hotel, Sydney

July 3 – The Wesley Anne (Melting Pot), Melbourne