
PREMIERE: Jordan Padilla is here to melt your heart with debut single Life Above The Water

Filling in the gap between soul and electronica, Jordan Padilla is a multi-talented musician native to Sydney but currently living in the States. He’s also about to be responsible for melting your heart.

Jordan Padilla

Jordan Padilla invites you on a sensual sonic experience with new single Life Above The Water – an enchanting reflection of love and heartache, drizzled in airy synths

The singer/songwriter – who also doubles as a pianist and Berklee College music student – creates his musical masterpieces from behind the four walls of his small, Boston apartment.

After featuring on Polographia‘s tune Rhythm back in 2015, Padilla is now pursuing an intoxicating solo project that draws similarities to Frank Ocean and Pharell Williams.

Life Above The Water is his debut effort, a tune best described as a combination of passionate vocals, slow melodies and beats so gentle you might float away if you listen for too long.

Crooning tales of love, loss and heartache, Life Above The Water is a nod to the emotional struggles forever entwined with the human experience. Providing a fitting soundtrack to life’s ups and downs, Padilla’s debut effort proves he is capable of touching listeners through his music.

Raw with emotion, the track imbues soft beats with delicate piano strokes, a sneaky bass line and vocals so smooth they sound well beyond Padilla’s years.

Intriguing listeners with an atmospheric minor change that is sporadically repeated throughout the track, he creates a sudden urge to start searching for life’s answers or find the nearest box of tissues trying.

The track is a love song soaked in an array of super musical elements that are so in-sync it draws a fine line between deeply emotional and easy listening. Whichever way you want to take it, Life Above The Water is so dreamy it’s hard not to get lost in within – so you might as well let yourself go.