
PREMIERE: Like a warm, stoned hug from a lover, Indecisive is the irresistible new single from The Do Yo Thangs

In every art form, one of the hardest aspects to master, by far, is the art of subtlety. It has been proven by generations of the best in music that minimalism can lead to the greatest sonic triumphs by allowing each instrument to have its unique say without distraction. Yet again, Melbourne’s The Do Yo Thangs have crafted a lesson in this music mastery and songwriting finesse with their new restrained jam, Indecisive.

do yo thangs

The Do Yo Thangs are at it again with Indecisive, a sensual, lazy and utterly euphoric slice of chocolate lathered soul. Dig in.

Drawing from a rich cacophony of technical knowhow can be a strain on the art of subtlety for mere mortals. Yet, as the clicky rim-shot drums introduce us, the song rolls out like a lavish red carpet along an isle of gold.

Perfectly crafted and constantly building, jarring synths enter the mix, evoking a feeling of the track’s message and laying the foundation on which the vocals begin to spill like soft sand, forming peaks and troughs.

Perhaps the standout moments in this futuristic soul sludge are the bubbling bass lines emerging in the combination of synth, bass and melodic instruments. The lines are familiar but not derivative; they present themselves like a strutting 70’s pimp draped in gold – proud, cool and a little bit dirty.

Lyrically, this is a track we could all get behind… or could we? It’s a special moment when an artist manages to personify their message in their music; squealing synths tease at new melodic ideas while, soon fizzling out as if their mind was somehow changed by the insistent bass.

The track drips with a thick, chocolatey cool that has become neo soul’s most important identifying traits. In every bar of lazy, sugar coated groove lives another sweet morsel of melodic surprise, making repeat listens not only utterly euphoric but entirely necessary.

Indecisive, whilst drawing from a less cheery well of topic, is another feel-good masterclass from The Do Yo Thangs who’s previous single, One Plus One was like a swim in a 30 degree ocean.

It seems a new era is beginning to etch its way on the pages of music’s ever expanding history book. Bands like The Do Yo Thangs are finding new ways to blend technological musical advances with the vital humanity of musical expression. Synths are becoming sentient and grooves like the one in Indecisive are like a warm, stoned cuddle from a lover.

The soul of this band is so evident and continues to bend smiles onto the faces of listeners as it unfolds before us in all its unique majesty.

The Do Yo Thangs will be launching their debut EP, One Plus One at the Gasometer on September 8th. The EP will be out on the 9th – pre-order it here.

do yo thangs