While their ball kid skills leave something to be desired, TEES’ tennis whites are up to the standards of the All England Club and their new video for Spending Your Heart is four minutes of alluring lighting, close ups and slow motion that make you nostalgic for the fashion sense that the 90’s offered us.
TEES serve up an ace with their gorgeously shot video for Spending Your Heart. Not since Kramer has being a ball boy been more intense.
The two-piece – comprised of Lizzy Tillman and Sean Duarte – from Sydney met in unconventional circumstances, and they carry this eccentric theme through their music and their videos alike. While their music makes you instantaneously picture pastel lasers illuminating a pitch-black room, it’s refreshing to see the song delivered differently with a narrative video that consumes our senses. Who is the superior ball kid? Who has better reflexes and coordination? Their battle continues, but once their hands touch, competition melts away, and it’s time to DANCE.
Spending Your Heart shows TEES musical evolution, as well as their growth with their videos. One of their first singles, Live It Up is a real nod to the days of Clueless, what with the low quality megapixel recording, the high waisted everything and the choker necklace making us nostalgic for a time we can only access through vintage teen movies. Live It Up is by no means a bad watch; you can see Sydney’s CBD throughout the whole video, with Tillman on the top deck of the iconic Sydney Hop on Hop Off red tourist bus that runs throughout Sydney’s streets an immeasurable amount of times every day.
The video compliments the atmosphere that the song produces, and you can see the skill that TEES’ possesses has carried through their growth as musicians and artists. This growth is paramount in Spending Your Heart as they’ve begun to dabble in creative narratives, lighting effects and film techniques that deliver us something unexpected and new. While their “official” genre is that of dance / pop, TEES are not so easy to pigeon hole. Tillman has a gentle yet strong voice, and unlike most dance music, the lyrics and her vocals are an important part to their music.
For some seriously good tunes, head over to the TEES YouTube profile and have a geez at their stuff, you’ll be jiving within thirty seconds, guaranteed.