Film and TV

Ron Swanson (Nick Offerman) in The Last of Us

If there was any reason you’d put off starting to watch The Last of Us, it’s now over. Hang up those boots and settle into HBO’s latest apocalyptic tryst.

Did you know that Pedro Pascal hasn’t starred in anything that has a lower IMDb rating of 8.2? Okay we made that up, but you know the man slays (someone please look up his average ffs) and his new portrayal Texan inspired hero ‘Joel’ is no exception.

This has all the grit and suspense of The Walking Dead with an extra special something because unlike The Walking Dead this is already a forerunner for every major award and… had us choking up big time by episode 3.

ron swanson the last of us
Nick Offerman (aka Ron Swanson aka Bill) in The Last of Us

Inspired by the game of the same name, HBO’s adaptation of The Last of Us has really hit the ground running with the first few episodes, and the more than cameo appearance of Sir Ron Swanson bringing that very real Ron Swanson energy to the screen was the icing on the cake.

Without giving too much away, what starts as a prepper hard ass gloating at the end of days turns into the queer love story of 2023 and we demand a spin off! The script is impeccable, the cinematography superb and the performances are sublime.

We haven’t played the game, and we aren’t going to; we just like good TV. Thank us later but if you’re here you’ve probably already watched it.