
Sans Parents premiere their new single Loose People

Sans Parents  have certainly made a splash since their debut late in 2014. Following up the run away success of their debut single Coming Back To You the band are now releasing their follow up track Loose People.

Sans Parents

The boys form Sans Parents lay down their new track Loose People. The expanded lineup works wonders as they take their music to promising new heights.

Now don’t read the title Loose People as an indicator that the song concerns itself with hitting up the Cross to ‘get loose”. The boys from Sans Parents thankfully have a little more substance to them than that, and rightfully so have crafted a single that delivers what was so delightful on their debut whilst expanding and evolving their music. If you weren’t familiar Sans People initially comprised of Kane Mazlin and Ryan Strathie of the now defunct Hungry Kids of Hungary and their touring buddy Alex Bennison. Their debut single Coming Back To You sat snuggly in the garage rock vein, much like our good mates YEEVS. Since then Charles Sale of Babaganoüj  and Yves Klein Blue has joined the party and Sans Parents has benefitted greatly from the new addition.

The high energy rock is still there, but the space on the track has been opened up substantially with the addition of some shrill keyboard action. It’s dynamic and fun, and without a doubt would go down a treat live. Lyrically the song is simple and laid back. It explores the nature of letting go of the reins and sometimes just going where the wind blows. It’s too bad this song wasn’t released a few months ago, it would go perfectly on the summer time road trip playlist.

Check out Sans People’s socials below for all the latest info on new music, tours and so forth.