
Slow Violence – New Teen Angst Pt. 2

Violence is a word that is best not practiced or heard, unless you’re talking about Slow Violence. The Canberran behind this solo project is Advait Thakur. His music is a cross-generic fusion of experimental electronic. He released his debut album New Teen Angst Pt.2 only this month.

slow violence

Time Trial has a kick in it that sounds like the beating of a heart measuring the passage of life. As the track moves forward, the percussion flutters in gently like a butterfly and settles down on the heart creating a super sensual groove… grind baby grind.

Now there are variegated kinds of philosophies, some you can get from voluminous books, the kind you’d spend months deciphering and then there are other kinds that come in the form of neat little one-liners that leave you in an epiphanious rapture. The track Kidz has one such epiphanious jewel, “I don’t know exactly where I’m going, but I’m here right now.” Need there be more to say? The track has these serene acoustic guitars which encased in a soft buzzing ambient shell. Just under two minutes, it’s a short but sweet track, after all less is more right?

New Teen Angst Pt.2 available as a name your price download on Dream Damage’s Bandcamp page.