
Someone created a scientifically-accurate chemistry board game based around Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Have you ever been curious as to what it would be like to actually ingest the monolithic amounts of drugs taken by the characters in Hunter S. Thompson‘s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? Now you can get one step closer to that black hole because there’s a board game out there based on the book. Buckle up.

fear and loathing board game

Alyx Baldwin’s Fear and Loathing: The Board Game is a scientifically-accurate, drug-focused game that the entire family can enjoy.

The game was created by Alyx Baldwin, a designer with an insane eye for detail, especially when it comes to creating minuscule replicas of specific narcotics and the necessary accompanying paraphernalia.

The rules of the game are as follows:

Before the game starts, everyone throws in a $20. Whomever finishes the game first wins the entire pot of money. Each player rolls a number on the die to see who will go first. The first player rolls his die and moves his player. There are three different spaces to land on. Yellow means dosing a specific amount of a drug specified by the dosing card. A scale is included in the game in order to get accurate measurements. Blue means going on an adventure or doing a fun activity. If a blue card requires driving, the sitter will always drive. Red cards are challenges that would be specifically hard for someone to accomplish while on various drugs. If you are unable to complete a challenge, you must move back three spaces on the board. Have fun and be safe!

Amazing. See the entire game below.

fear and loathing board game
Challenge, Dose and Activity Cards to Draw From
fear and loathing board game
Multiple Sets of Cards Included
fear and loathing board game
Pill Bottle Contents Mimic Look of Real Substances
fear and loathing board game
The Playing Board Circular Spots Correspond to Cards to Draw From – the Shape of the Playing Field and the Green Spots Mimic a Peyote Button
fear and loathing board game
Various Characters to Choose From
fear and loathing board game
Dosages Calculated to be Physically Safe to Ingest

fear and loathing board game

fear and loathing board gamefear and loathing board game

Interaction and Synergy Between Substances Compensated and Addressed through Cards
Interaction and Synergy Between Substances Compensated and Addressed through Cards

fear and loathing board game

While you’re here, check out our list of the druggiest albums of all time.