
Sydney inner-West export Allan Smithy makes an incredibly charming debut with The Streets

Matt Amery, aka Allan Smithy, has for years played in Sydney folk-pop bands waiting for an opportunity to start making the kind of music that he loved. As a huge fan of the 80s Australiana sound, it was certain that his debut track The Streets would encompass some nostalgic vibrations to take you back to your childhood filled with your dad’s air guitar-ing in the kitchen (or was that just mine?).

Allan Smithy the streets

A Sydney Inner-Westie with a passion for home grown 80s rock n roll bands, Allan Smithy charmingly brings us the dream pop sounds of The Streets.

The adopted name for Matt Amery’s (also from Sydney indie folk band Tin Sparrow) new solo project stemmed from sending his mates some of his demos – under a pseudonym inspired by director Alan Smithee – and asking them what they thought about ‘this guy’. A very sneaky move I might add – but one that ultimately has paid off.

The Streets is a charming dream boat love affair with the suburban sunshine, minus the loud lawnmowers and screaming kids. The track was mixed by Sydney’s Liam Judson (Cloud Control, The Laurels) and reaps the benefit of a helping hand from producer guru Tom Lansek, plus fellow Big Scary bandmate Jo Syme, who lent some backing vocals. Amery told us the story behind the track:

“I’ve got a puppy, he’s more of a dog now but back then he was a puppy. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and let him off the lead a little too far away from the park one afternoon and he just bolted off. So I was chasing him down through the streets of Annandale and I felt like a parent chasing down a run away child, and that’s where the idea of the streets came from. He almost got hit by a car and I fell over but at least we got a song out of it.”

The beautifully shot accompanying video is a mix up love story from a different world. Usually reserved for the young hearted, the clip partners a pair of grey-haired lovers getting up to mischief in the streets. Think if Lords of Dogtown did a “Where Are They Now?” film, filled with scootering, tee-peeing, and a corny sunset finish. The video is soft and hazy, perfectly matching the songs nostalgic treatment.

For now Amery told us he is neck deep in rehearsals, but over the summer is hoping to record a few more tracks. With a string of shows popping up around Sydney and Melbourne at the beginning of summer, The Streets is a tasty teaser for some sweet tunes to come.

Catch Allan Smithy at these upcoming gigs!

Saturday 21st November, Goodgod Small Club, Sydney w/ I Know Leopard – Tickets available here
Friday 27th November, Rare Finds #8, Sydney
Wednesday 2nd December, The Gasometer, Melbourne