Needle In The Hay News Did someone ask where to get the best band tees printed? by Tammy Moir If there’s one company that’s got the band merch game on lock, it’s Fresh Tees. You might’ve spotted them going all out at SXSW Sydney, working around the clock to…
News What does a day in the life of a band look like? FROYO hook you up with the BTS knowledge by Happy Last week you may have noticed one seriously fine skit from the minds of FROYO, Sydney’s resident synth pop throwbacks. If you’ve ever wondered what it was like living as…
Magazine Didn’t catch the Happy Mag Issue #2 launch? What were you thinking?! Here’s a bit of the pandemonium you missed by Happy After a week of high tensions and bitten-down nails in anticipation for the launch of Happy Mag Issue #2, it’s safe to say we were ready to party at The Union…
Music Tees bottle cruisy happiness and say drink up in new track ‘Got The Feeling’ by Amy Henderson Dreamy pop is all that we could want it to be. The Tees in new track Got The Feeling, sparkle synths and deliver us a light and catchy one. Dreamy…
Interviews TEES are two sleeps away from rocking the launch of Happy Mag #2. Here’s what they’re listening to in preparation of the show. by Happy Sydney electro connoisseurs, TEES are literally days from blessing our ear holes with their floating electro house at the launch of Happy Mag #2, and we’re far too pumped. While…
Music Nancy and Lee, Simon and Garfunkel and now Sean and Lizzy, Tees reaffirm that sometimes the smallest acts are the most profound by Harriet Wolstenholme When we consider some of the greatest musical acts of all time, duos have made a significant contribution. From the early likes of Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood, Simon &…
News Tees join the Farmer and the Owl family by Nick Stillman It’s been a massive year of growth for Sydney house-pop duo Tees – one that has just been topped off magically with a signing to revered indie label Farmer & The…