
Four friends from music college Dreamcoat are another thing to add to Melbourne’s burgeoning list of cultural exports

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As if Melbourne couldn’t up its culture game anymore. They have already been deemed most liveable city, with the best coffee, burgers, shopping and transport, and even have cheese toasties floating from the sky (the essentials in life). Melbourne now gives us Dreamcoat, four uni mates who’s love for music is built around constructing dreamy sounds lusher than a double ristretto latte on soy.

Dreamcoat  beautiful kingdom

Take a moment to bliss out to Dreamcoat’s own original blend of alternative pop and spacious folk, with just the right amount of lush, soothing guitar sounds to keep that buzz going throughout the day.

Already winning local crowds over with their hypnotic live performance, Dreamcoat need to be on your young Aussie talent radar ASAP. The relatively new outfit started in late 2014 when the four music university students; Kieran Ebert (vocals/guitar), Brayden McDonald (guitar/keys), Costa Hagi (Bass) and Owen Luby (Drums) put down their books for the last time and pick up guitars instead. Already compared to Local Natives and Grizzly Bear, the Melbourne lads are turning heads in the indie music scene in anticipation of their forthcoming EP. They have been working hard since February this year on the 5-track debut and have released the single Ghost Legs and accompanying video to keep us on our toes.

The charming foursome made their debut at the end of last year with the harmonic Beautiful Kingdom. There is a repetitiveness in the track that turns it into a hypnotic experience. The simple percussion, teamed with rich guitar strums, gradually builds up to a swishy, layered and explosive arrangement. Ebert’s vocals hum over the track creating a dreamy and spacious atmosphere.

Ghost Legs, the lads latest release, and is accompanied by a video that the guys shot entirely throughout one day in Brunswick. Dreamcoat have said the track “taps into the human condition of absolute confoundedness and focuses on presenting a bookend experience to the listener in this torn state of mind.”

The song is presented as a dreamy indie rock track, but the listener is soon pulled into darker depths by Ebert’s lyrics, “one last thing before I call it a day/ You will be the last mistake I make,” which evoke deeper thought into the ‘human condition’. It’s a dynamic shift for the band, tearing apart any preconceptions about their genre or lyrical ability. One can only hope their forthcoming EP retains the beautiful complexity and rhythmic content that Dreamboat has shown its audiences already.

Collaborating with Blank Tape Music, the highly anticipated EP will be out later in 2015.

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