Terra Lightfoot is a folk artist from Waterdown, Canada. In addition to her solo work, Lightfoot also plays in country band The Dinner Belles, which includes members of Monster Truck, Spirits and The Marble Index. It’s a busy little musical world in Canada!
The emergence of her career started in early 2008, prompted by a creation grant from the Ontario Arts Council. Lightfoot began work on her debut record, which quickly became an experimentation of instrumental bliss, captivating melodies of soulful power and haunting lyricism. The melodies linger and the harmonies pile layer upon beautiful layer to create a ruminative collection of songs full of natural imagery and acoustic strums. With fused elements of rock and country, Lightfoot finds inspiration from blues musicians Robert Johnson and LeadBelly.
It’s as if she’s trying to inhabit the in-between spaces of musical expression and private rumination, exposing her regrets without relinquishing them. The emotional exorcism proves even more intense for being so tentative. What’s promised is a demonstration of the sort of contemporary art that immerses audiences in creative exploration and experience. It is both a visual and sound focused experience. Terra Lightfoot, despite sounding like a character from Twilight, is a dreamy and irresistible listen.