
The best thing you’ll hear recorded in a lounge room, Capital Coast step up on Spacehead

It’s become blatantly obvious recently that there’s no shortage of musical talent in Wollongong. The past couple of years have seen the south coast pump out some of the most incredible acts floating around at the moment; The Pinheads, The Vanns, Shining Bird. I could rattle off a page full more, but I think you get the gist. One of the more recent additions to this list is five-piece outfit Capital Coast.

Capital Coast Spacehead

Frothing for the jovial sounds of the Gong? Then get on board with Capital Coast, the four-piece’s latest EP Spacehead is a fun ride of guitar jams.

After a shit tonne of touring and proving their talents on stage, the band has released their new EP Spacehead. Although the group only emerged early last year the EP oozes a confident sound that boasts an amalgamation of indie, surf rock and reggae influences. Although Sydney has decided to be rid of the sunshine for a while and bring in the rain, Spacehead is making me feel all warm and fuzzy and is doing a great job of bringing the summer vibes to this grey and dreary day.

For something that was recorded in a lounge room, it sounds quite decent. The entirety of the EP is smooth, tantalising, and quite simply, just really easy to listen to. Nick Hutt’s flawless vocals that appear throughout the four track hold a raspy uniqueness, and perfectly compliment the infectious and well executed melodies of each song.

Each of the four tracks maintain their own sound, the versatility of the EP being it’s greatest strength. The EP’s opener, Spacehead, runs on a deep and heavy beat with simple, honest lyrics about literally being a “spacehead”. Warm and infectious, the alternative rock sound sets the standard pretty high for the rest of the EP.

The last track of the EP release, Computer Vision, cements the versatility Capital Coast has to offer. Taking on a grittier tone, the tune would feel at home on a compilation of the English indie rock that dominated the guitar scene at the turn of the century. There are elements of the tune that hold some subtle similarities to the Arctic Monkeys, and in this girl’s opinion, anyone who can emulate the Monkey’s, yet not sound as though they’re trying to copy them, is pretty fucking great. If you wanted to bring the similarities a little closer to home, fans of The Vanns and Sydney’s Jody will definitely dig.

Spacehead exceeds expectations, and these guys are definitely on their way to bigger things. After setting such a high standard for themselves, I’m already on the edge of my seat waiting to see what they have in store next.