
The effortlessly cool colour palettes of vintage guitar pedals

The size and granduer of guitar early pedals in the 60s and 70s, combined with the limitations of design and production capabilities of the era, led to colour being a central element of their aesthetic fabrication. From there, brands like BOSS took this archetype and made it their own.

Today, the aesthetic direction of guitar pedals is largely driven by illustration and minimalism and less by colour, unless the pedal a direct is a throwback to a classic piece if gear. So, in homage to the lost art of effortless cool through colour, we take a look at the unmistakable palettes of vintage guitar pedals.

From the army green of the Roland Space Echo to the hot pink BOSS DM-2, we look back at some of the beautiful colour palettes of vintage guitar pedals.

Roland Space Echo 201 (1973)

space echo colour palette
Photo: True Vintage Guitar

Binson Echorec 2 (1961)

echorec colour palettes
Photo: TechnoEmpire

Ibanez Ts-808 Tubescreamer (1979)

Vintage tubesreamer
Photo: Zzzounds

EHX Deluxe Memory Man (1978)

Photo: Tonereport

Mutron Bi-Phase (1974)

vintage colour palettes
Photo: SoundGas

Shen-ei Uni-Vibe (1968)

Photo: TechnoEmpire

Boss DM-2 (1982)

Photo: eBay

Maestro Filter/Sample (1974)

Photo: eBay

vitnage pedals