We always enjoy some funny animal news to help lift the spirits and make us smile, and this gorilla news is just too cool.
A 200kg gorilla has been airlifted more than 60 kilometres to receive a medical procedure, including a CT scan.
A 35-year-old gorilla has received a CT scan after zookeepers noticed some strange growths in his nostrils.
Makokou, a male western lowland gorilla, which weighs over 200kg had to be airlifted and taken to a vet facility with a scanner which could handle his whopping bulk, and the result looks like a scene from The Rise of the Planet of the Apes. He was taken from Johannesburg Zoo in South Africa and was airlifted 64 kilometres away to the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital in Pretoria. The facility’s CT scanner was the closest one to the zoo that was strong enough to handle the enormous ape’s 210kg weight.
During the procedure, it took more than five people to lift the sedated gorilla off the stretcher after the scan was complete and he was closely monitored after the procedure to make sure he was nut under stress. It was revealed by a number of tests that he had polyps in his nasal passages, which cause a number of health concerns. Zoo spokesperson Jenny Moodley said:
“During this procedure it was discovered that Makokou had a nasal growth which had been causing his symptoms. A biopsy of this was taken and sent for histopathology. The results revealed that he has chronic rhinitis with inflammatory polyps developing in his nasal passages. The well-being and care of Makokou who will celebrate his 35th birthday on 9 July, remains of paramount importance for all staff at the Joburg Zoo.”
Here’s to hoping that Makokou is on his way to a swift recovery, but for now, we will continue being amazed by the power of human technology.