
This boss baby only stops crying when Nine Inch Nails are playing

A few weeks back we were introduced to the Babypod – an intravaginal speaker system that lets your baby listen to music in the womb. Well it looks like this kid was drip-fed one particular band in utero: Nine Inch Nails.

nine in nails

Screw the wiggles, this baby only stops crying when Nine Inch Nails are playing.

This baby only stops crying when her dad starts playing NIN. She may not be able to talk yet, but you know what she wants (that “ooooh!” noise when Copy of A starts playing is absolute gold). Admittedly, this isn’t the most hectic of NIN’s repertoire, but it sure ain’t no Wiggles.

For all you people that claimed you were listening to industrial rock back in primary school, this baby takes the cake: