As the festival season hits its apex, your wallet may be quivering as you hesitantly reach to grab it once more. But fear not! There are a bunch of awesome free gigs happening in Sydney next month.
Save those precious pennies and head along to these 5 amazing free gigs in March, your wallet can thanks us later.

If you’re neck-deep in festival fees but haven’t scratched that musical itch, check out these 5 top-notch free gigs going down in Sydney in March.
1. Bay Sounds – Sunday 1st, The Golden Sheaf
The first-ever edition of Bay Sounds is going down on the first day of March and it’s shaping up to be a big one. All the acts are guaranteed to make you jive, boogie, and shake it all about so get down for a groove and shrug off that Saturday hangover.
Local legends Philadelphia Grand Jury are taking out the headline slot for a guaranteed killer time. Seriously, I defy you not to get their songs stuck in your head. Sunscreen, Pyjama Sundayz, and Vast Hill have rounded out the rest of the bill and it’s only the first line up. Top Sydney talent, tick!
For the next line up announcement and other give-aways: RSVP here.
2. Jannah Beth – Wednesdays 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, Malborough Hotel
Jannah Beth will be kicking off the first-ever residency at the Marly every Wednesday night of March. Along with the sweet skills of Jannah Beth, the residency will show off some of the amazing soul, nu-jazz, and RnB talent brimming on the streets of Sydney.
If you ask us, it’s a scene that’s generating some significant groundswell throughout the city and I suspect some big artist breakthroughs in 2020. Jannah Beth will be joined by the likes of Maina Doe, Kobie Dee, and Natalie Slade to name a few. Check it out here.
3. Happy Mag Issue 14 Launch – Friday 13th, Marlborough Hotel
Yes, we are promoting our own gig, but that’s because it’s one of the most insane free shows going down next month. If you’re keen on sweating it out in a cosy mosh, then we’ve got all your headbanging needs sorted.
There are so many great acts on the first line up I’m just gonna name them all. These New South Whales and the mighty Hard-Ons are covering headline duties. Plus, Big White, SCABZ, VOIID, Poolroom, Lorelei, Babitha, Bread Club, NAUGHTY BOYS, filling up two floors, and that’s only the first line up! Buckle up, it’s going to be one helluva night. Plus it’s Friday the 13th so come and get a little spooky!
For the full line up plus all the other juicy info, check out the event here.
4. Hallie – Thursday 19th, Waywards
Hallie has been tearing it up over Brisbane and a near-constant outlet of music throughout 2019. Seriously, check out Nice Like Rice, it’s a killer tune.
She’s heading on tour in support of her new single, Support – yep! – and it’s her first release since her debut EP Wink Wink Nudge Nudge. Don’t sleep on some of the finest talent Brisbane has to offer, especially when it’s on your doorstep.
Hallie will be in the heart of Newtown on the 19th, jump on the event here.
5. Whatever, Forever – Friday 13th, Burdekin Hotel
Whatever Forever have been absolutely killing it lately in the emo scene thanks to punchy songwriting and a killer vocalist. They are about to head-on tour in support of their new 7″ Where I Am and Where I Want To Be.
They will be kicking off the tour at the Burdekin Hotel on Friday the 13th with Zen Haircuts and Madura Green, so get down there! Whatever, Forever put on one hell of a live show and we couldn’t recommend catching them enough.
For all the juicy info, head to the event here. Check out the new single Skin and Bone below: