
80s pop makes an unexpected comeback in the form of Bec Sandridge and In The Fog, In The Flame

With bursts of creativity thrust upon her at some of the most inconvenient times, such as driving and in the middle of a dream, Bec Sandridge has found inspiration for her music in some unconventional and equally emotional situations. Travelling between Sydney and Scotland, the Sydney-based songstress found herself in a state of limbo feeling a little unsure as to where ‘home’ actually was and began writing from a more emotive place than what she usually would. Her latest offering comes in the form of the wonderfully quirky, completely loveable 80s pop-inspired single In the Fog, In The Flame.

Bec Sandridge in the fog

From trombonist to folk singer to alt-pop queen, Bec Sandridge has wound up with a wonderful collection of tales and quirks, all apparent in her homage to 80s pop In The Fog, In The Flames

After learning Blink 182’s discography, Sandridge began making music at the age of fifteen and only began singing publicly in the last few years. With influences such as Cyndi Lauper and The War On Drugs shining through her upcoming record, Sandridge says she never really considered herself a singer, more a music lover. In adding piano and synthesisers to her wonderfully crafted acoustic undertones, Sandridge has most definitely solidified her place as a budding sensation in the local singer-songwriter scene.

It hasn’t always been a love-at-first-sight walk-in-the-park relationship with music for Sandridge, though. After her mean primary school teacher forced her to play the trombone because she had ‘long, lanky arms and good lungs’, a slightly inexperienced and very young Sandridge was made to play the trombone solo of ‘Sliding The Blues’. This resulted in her completely losing her cool and hating all things related to music, with the exception of Mandy Moore and Nikki Webster’s Strawberry Kisses.

Thankfully Sandridge rekindled her love of music and began making what she affectionately describes as ‘Spaghetti Disco Pop’: she loves spaghetti, a side step on the dance floor, and good old fashioned pop music. Sandridge describes some of her latest music as having spaghetti western guitars with some ‘discotechque boogie-able drum beats’ topped off with some songs that are ‘pop music with a twist’.

 In The Fog, In The Flame is a strong indication that Sandridge has what it takes to claim her place as Australia’s alt-pop Queen. Full of quirks, driving percussion and 80s synths, the track is outrageously catchy, her voice worming its way around your psyche, quivering with vulnerability and, at the same time, confidence. It’s a wonderful oxymoron that will stick in your head for days so keep your eyes peeled for this one, she’ll be hanging around for a while.