RACKETT are one of our favourite bands currently making the rounds. They belt out an unapologetic brand of rock n’ roll that’ll smack you right in the face, and we love it.
Earlier this year, we invited the group to come headline our Needle In The Hay finalists party… and they tore it apart. Now, as part of Extra Support Acts, the four-piece have debuted a searing new track titled I Tried To Quit.
Watch RACKETT tear through a blistering new track as part of Extra Support Acts; a new program supporting Australia’s up and coming musicians.
To vote for RACKETT in this new competition, all you’ve gotta do is watch this video. The longer you stick with it, the more votes they get. It’s that simple.
Voting opens today and closes on September 30th… so you’ve got til then to watch this video as many times as you possibly can.
The Sydney band were chosen for the comp by Aussie rock heroes The Rubens… so if you weren’t already familiar with RACKETT, I’m sure you can trust The Rubens’ judgement.
Do yourself a favour and watch the video above. Then watch it again, and again, and again. Maybe once more.