Punk is alive and screaming in Australia, and some of the leaders of the resistance are Clowns. Hailing from Melbourne, the hardcore four-piece are known for demolishing crowds, stages and minds wherever they go.
It’s to be expected, but they have some good stories and hazy memories. To buy into the raw energy that is Clowns, we asked their frontman Stevie to share the ten greatest photos from their hella extensive touring, and tell us a little something about each.
Clowns have played internationally to thousand-strong crowds and locally to scruffy dives, and these are ten tour photos you really can’t miss.
The Old Bar on NYE 13/14
We owe so much to The Old Bar! They supported and nurtured us from the beginning. In the early days they gave us gigs when some venues wouldn’t and last year when I got fired for going on tour too much, they gave me a job behind the bar to help keep my head above water.
To me this photo represents a time in our band’s career when we were not really known except to a small pocket of local Melbourne friends. We weren’t taking on the world, but when we played at The Old Bar 100 of our mates would rock up and it was magic. Thanks, Oldie!

Rehearsal Room in Solo, Indonesia on 11/02/2012
In 2012, we set out on our very first tour to South East Asia. Before this, we hadn’t even really toured Australia. We had played in Borneo before had played in Brisbane! We were young, impressionable and had no idea for what we were in store for.
Before this venture, we hardly played in front of people ever so even just being in another country and playing to people was a thrill enough. It was an eye opening experience to how much more work there was in front of us to become a bigger band and what we needed to do to get there.

Groezrock Festival in Meerhout, Belgium on 30/04/2016
Fast track five years, three 7″ records, two LPs, 400 shows and we are now at Groezrock Festival this year. It was almost like our introduction to the European punk scene, in which we have now found quite a bit of success.
This photo was taken near the end of the show, I know this because from the moment we struck our first chord there was not very many people ready to watch us. By the end, it felt to everyone like we had made 1000 new Clowns fanatics.
We are quietly hoping we get to do it again some day.

Groezrock Festival in Meerhout, Belgium on 30/04/2016
To reiterate on the madness that was Groezrock. Special mention to Brian from PEARS in the background standing side of stage with his hands in the air.
Yes, it did hurt.

Crowbar in Brisbane, QLD on 31/10/2015
I believe there is a direct relation between the wildness of our shows in Queensland and the madness of the locals. Few theories have emerged; perhaps the constant heat causes the people to party all year round making them more prone to wild behaviour, or maybe the fact they are closer to the equator and the lack of geomagnetic presence has a collective effect on their brains.
Either way, every time chaos ensues. You could help us recreate this madness at Crowbar on Friday October 14. Grab tickets here.

4ZZZ carpark in Brisbane, QLD on 16/01/2016
Earlier this year we found ourselves at the end of a tour with Frenzal Rhomb, in Brisbane on a Saturday. Seeing as we had played a pub show in Brisbane only two months beforehand, we took the opportunity to do something a bit different. We played a free, all ages show in the afternoon in the carpark of 4ZZZ.
No stage, no lights, no tickets, no guest list… none of that crap. We could have easily packed out an 18+ venue and walked a way with a cash in our pockets, but be took a slight risk but oh boy, did we reap the rewards.
It was one of those shows…afterwards we couldn’t stop smiling, and once again it solidified our love for Brissy.

Pelly Bar in Frankston, VIC on 1/04/2016
Frankston. Once the laughing stock of schoolyard jokes, now the home of wild gigs. We all grew up about 20 minutes up the road and although we aren’t from the city of Frankston, it still feels very close to home.
I’ve spent a fair portion of my youth at their incredible skatepark or at parties on their beaches. We have played a lot of gigs there; It’s a tough cookie to crack, but now our shows in Franga are some of the most fun!

Moe’s Tavern in Springfield USA on ???
We’ve toured the states twice now and no show sticks out in my mind more than our venture to Springfield. We had a huge rider of Duff Beer and Flaming Moes, oh and the dank, don’t get me started on the dank of Moe’s Tavern. Expect an illegitimate and humourless cameo at some point.

MIDI Festival in Shenzhen, China on 01/01/2015
To this day, the biggest show we have ever played was MIDI Festival. We actually have no idea how many people were there, but it was thousands. I still think back to this being one of the most random things we had ever done. This was before we had done any outdoor festivals in Australia or overseas, and for some reason Shenzhen MIDI festival wanted us to come and play the sunset time slot on their biggest stage.
We sold a lot of shirts and CDs at the festival, but after that day we haven’t really seen a strong demand for a return visit or any of our merchandise in China. The next night, we played in Dongguan to probably 6 people. I’ll never forget the complete randomness of this show and tour.

Riverstage in Brisbane QLD on 04/12/2015
That time we toured with Rise Against and played the biggest Aussie shows we have ever done. You can tell this was a special occasion for us because in this very moment, our pal Matt has successfully taken a photo of us standing together and all smiling!
I have this photo framed and in my room. Not because of it’s significance or sentimental value, but more because of our drummer jake’s sexy af impersonation of the cover from Michael Jackson‘s album Thriller.