At next year’s instalment of Sundance Film Festival, a new documentary exploring Leonard Cohen and Marianne Ihlen’s relationship will be premiered. The doco is titled Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love, and is directed by Nick Broomfield.
Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love is among a trio of music documentaries set to be premiered at the festival, sitting alongside documentaries about David Crosby and Miles Davis.
A new documentary exploring Leonard Cohen and Marianne Ihlen’s love, titled Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love, is set to be premiered at Sundance Film Festival next year.
Marianne Ihlen inspired a stack of Cohen’s most loved tracks, including Bird On A Wire and So Long, Marianne, among others. A few days before her death in 2016, Cohen wrote a letter to Ihlen saying “I think I will follow you very soon.” Cohen would die four months after sending the letter.
Other music documentaries premiering at Sundance 2019 include A.J. Eaton’s David Crosby: Remember My Name and Stanley Nelson’s Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool.
Also appearing at the festival will be a new film written by and starring Shia LeBeouf that reportedly will feature FKA Twigs.
Check out the full list of films premiering at Sundance 2019 here.
Via Pitchfork.