
Artist on Artist: teddie and Romanie delve into serendipity

In an exclusive chat with fellow musician Romanie, teddie shares insights into her musical journey, inspirations, and her latest single, “Strawberry Cake”

Newcastle’s indie-pop sensation teddie has just dropped her third single of 2024, the irresistibly catchy “Strawberry Cake” equal parts vibrant and textured, this is one track that brims with some serious bubbly bedroom-pop energy.

Drawing sonic comparisons to artists like Clairo, Benee, and Beabadoobee, “Strawberry Cake” showcases teddie’s knack for crafting hook-laden pop songs that leave a lasting impression.

The inspiration behind “Strawberry Cake” came from a striking image teddie found online: a girl in a baby pink dress, smudged mascara, eating cake with her hands while wearing lace gloves. This evocative image perfectly captures the essence of the song, which, according to teddie, blends silliness with a heartfelt celebration of life’s simple joys, such as birthdays spent with loved ones.

In an exclusive exchange with fellow musician Romanie, teddie reflects on her journey from guitar lessons at age eight to her current status as a rising star, sharing insights about her songwriting process, favourite lyrics, and the serendipitous moments that have shaped her musical career.


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Romanie Interviewing teddie 

Romanie: What’s your favourite lyric you have written and what’s the story behind it?

teddie: I’d have to say my most iconic line that made it into a song is from ym 2022 single ‘sleep in’. The line “my beds a queen and so am I”. The fact that some lyrics I write actually make it to hte final cut is actually amazing and frankly concerning. Would like to shout out all the producers I work with who allow me to be plain stupid with the songs I write because I love doing it. 

Romanie: When are you moving to Melbourne and can Romanie join the band?

teddie: Hahahaha omg don’t tempt me! The Newcstle to Melbourne move is very much on the cards for me, as I’m sure it is for lots of regional town artists. Romanie rocks at guitar so I’m thinking, Rom on guitar, then I go full pop star mode with a sparkly cordless mic, sounds good to me?

Romanie: How did you start out with music and when?

teddie: At around age 8 I was able to choose an activity I wanted to do, such as a sport or an instrument. I desperately wanted to do gymnastics with my friends, but my mum called them and the class was full. So I had to choose again and that’s when I started taking guitar lessons. After guitar I learnt clarinet, then moved to tenor saxophone, which has stuck with me to this day. It wasn’t till my last year of uni that I decided to have a crack at singing and writing songs. I still wonder if i’d still find myself as teddie if that gymnastics class wasn’t full. 

Romanie: What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

teddie: “Doing the thing and not succeeding is better than not doing the thing and knowing you never tried.”

CRINGE I know… But in reference to pursuing a music career, it can be so grueling at times and feel discouraging. But you gotta try otherwise what’s the point! Follow your dreams, if you will. 

Romanie: Describe your perfect day on tour.

teddie: Okay so – Start with an Oliver’s smoothie; great weather (I hate driving in the rain); car full of my besties (my band are my besties); having a 10/10 soundcheck and a slay rider (by a slay rider I mean seltzers or anything other than beer as i’m gluten intolerant); then playing a sick set followed by lots of dancing and good chats with the other bands and friends made. Finishing the night eating whatevers open and hopefully scoring a bed at whoever’s friends house we are staying at. 


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teddie interviews Romanie 

teddie: What’s your favourite song that you’ve written and why?

Romanie: For some reason it’s always the latest song I’ve finished writing. I try to get into the habit of writing everyday and always get excited whenever I come up with a new idea. It’s been really nice to train myself to continually explore songwriting and just writing out thoughts. 

Of my latest record ‘The Punch’ was my favourite song, I co-wrote it with Kate Davis and we had so much fun coming up with the lyrics and melodies over Zoom. 

teddie: At what age did you know you wanted to do music?

Romanie: I suppose I started to dream pretty early on – I was part of the scouts in Belgium when I was young and we would sit around campfires and talk/sing all night. That’s where I picked up a guitar for the first time and felt like engaging in a music community.

It’s probably only since moving to Australia in 2019 that I have taken myself a bit more seriously as an artist and started to invest time and money into a career. 

teddie: Name your ideal Coachella headliners (3)

Romanie: teddie, teddie and teddie! 

Lately I’ve been obsessed with Mk.Gee, Yves Tumor and Fontaines DC – some of my absolute favourite live acts with releases that have blown me away over and over.

I actually had the privilege of seeing Yves Tumor live at Coachella last year and they did not disappoint. It’s also where I fell in love with Bad Bunny so he can come back as headliner too in my dream lineup. 

teddie: What artist inspires your music the most?

Romanie: Gosh, so many artists that have influenced my life and music. It’s been very special to meet some of my favourite songwriters and learn from them through School of Song workshops or cowriting sessions and I love learning about other artists’ processes and stories.

Some major major influences are Big Thief, Kate Davis, Wet Leg, Alvvays,… 

teddie: Name your favourite show from your recent tour:

Romanie: I loved touring for the first time with my band so much across the board. Being on the road together and playing in places that I had never visited before was very special. My favourite show was probably the very first one, our album launch at Northcote Social Club in November.

One of my favourite venues and my second home (I’m a bartender there), there’s always a real sense of community and it was nice to celebrate my album with so many friends. 

teddie: When will we be getting new Romanie music!

Romanie: oon I promise! I’m currently in the studio recording the next body of work, whilst working a few other jobs to save up money for releases.

Being an independent artist is a crazy rollercoaster but I’m slowly/steadily chipping away at things. I cannot wait for people to hear what we’ve been cooking up.